Interlibrary Loan

Borrowing From Other Libraries

Books, media, and articles not available at the PUC Library may be borrowed from other libraries at no charge. You will be notified when the items arrive.


For the fastest service, check the LINK+ catalog first. This service provides quick access to 70+ California public and academic libraries that share a combined collection of over four million unique titles (books and media). From the Link+ online catalog you can request books or videos using your own PUC ID. Items requested arrive in 3-5 days and you get an automatic email when they arrive. They are loaned out for 3 weeks and can be renewed 1 time for another 3 weeks.

Interlibrary Loan

Items not available through LINK+ can still be requested from another library. Non-LINK+ requests take about 7-10 days to arrive.  Articles usually arrive in 1-2 days.

If you are using WorldCat and find an item you want to borrow, select the "Borrow from another library" option and complete the form.

If you are using Discovery and find an article not available online, select the “Request” option and complete the form.

Whenever you need something not available at the PUC Library, you can use these forms as well:

Request a Book or Article


**Students in an online program: Please include your mailing address in the notes field.

Contact the Interlibrary Loan Office or for more information 965-6640.