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Online Orders may be made by e-mail to hford@puc.edu using VISA, MasterCard or Discover credit card particulars, or by PayPal.com to "PISC@pitcairnstudycenter.org." Orders can by made by telephone at 707-965-6625, or 707-965-2047.
Guide to Pitcairn
68 pages, profusely illustrated with color photographs and illustrations, Government of Pitcairn Island.
Description: The just-published, beautiful, new, official Guide has all of what was in the earlier editions of this colorful Pitcairn government publication, plus interesting new additions. Edited by Kari Boye Young.
Price and ordering: USD $30.00 includes postage in the U.S. Contact hford@puc.edu for overseas postal cost.
A Doctor's Letters from Pitcairn Island, 1937
Description: This is a
private, numbered printing of 500 books, with a 10-page center panel of photographs. Written by a physician who spent six months on Pitcairn caring for the medical and some of the psychological needs of the islanders, this book gets "inside" the Pitcairners' lives in a way no other book has done. Certain to become an expensive, rare book because of its limited printing, these letters from Dr. Southworth to his family, gathered into a book are an intimate, revealing picture of life on Pitcairn in a most interesting and sometimes graphic way.
Price and ordering: USD $25.00 including postage and handling in the U.S. For prince to all other countries, contact hford@puc.edu. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book above.

Pitcairn - Port of Call
Herbert Ford, 500 pages, illustrations.
Description: This is a running
account, told in ship's-log form, of every ship that called at Pitcairn Island from 1790 to 1990. Not only is the date of the ship's call at the island and her name given, but also a wealth of other particulars are given: the name of the company operating the ship, her tonnage, her captain's name, any ex-names she might have had, what port had she come from to Pitcairn from, and to what port was she bound after leaving Pitcairn. A world of added information is given in connection with each ship's call: What was happening on Pitcairn Island in daily life at the time of the ship's call; was there any notable happening in connection with the ship's call as the Pitcairners come out in their longboats to meet the ship; were some islanders leaving Pitcairn on the ship, were others arriving on her. The book presents in a historical and often dramatic way the most important time in Pitcairn life - when a ship from any one of a thousand ports in the world comes calling.
Price and ordering: USD $25.00 including postage and handling in the U.S. For price to all other countries, please contact hford@puc.edu. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book above.

Pitcairn Island as a Port of Call, 2nd Ed.
Herbert Ford, 365 pages, illustrations.
Description: This is an enlarged version of Pitcairn - Port of Call, with 20 additional years of shipping presented along with a most useful 37-page index for quick reference. Of the book, Captain Sean Bercaw writes: "In Pitcairn Island as a Port of Call Herbert Ford has compiled a chronological listing of the vessels visiting Pitcairn from its discovery in 1767 by Midshipman Robert Pitcairn through the present day. Although at first glance merely a list, upon closer inspection this document is not only a porthole through which to glimpse the history of Pitcairn itself, but also the changing world within which this island community existed. Accessing the evolving nature of 18th, 19th & 20th century maritime technologies as well as the world's political transformations, this book is a valuable resource. The facts are balanced with amusing vignettes and anecdotes that give intimate insights into this remote community and make the book a delightful read."
Price and ordering: USD $60.00 including postage and handling in the U.S. For price to all other countries, please contact hford@puc.edu. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book above.
Pre-owned Books Available
Since there are only one or two copies of each book listed, please contact hford@puc.edu
before ordering to learn if the book you desire is still available.
Mutiny of the Bounty the Story of Pitcairn Island by a Native Daughter
Pitcairner Rosalind Amelia Young, seventh printing, 1894, 266 pages.
Description: This is the only book of Pitcairn's history written by a Pitcairner - Rosalind Amelia Young. Published in 1894, this rare, original printing of the book contains one of the most accurate accounts of early Pitcairn history available.
Price and ordering: Three copies of this book are for sale. $55.00 includes postage in the U.S., for either of two better copies; $45.00 for one in slightly less good condition. Contact hford@puc.edu for overseas postal cost.
Divided by the Bounty
Alan Adams, 132 pages, paperback. One copy available
Description: The true account of the lives of two brothers - John and Jonathan Adams - centered around one of the most infamous acts in the history of the Royal Navy, the Mutiny on the Bounty.
Price and ordering: Only one copy available. $20.00 includes postage in U.S. Contact hford@puc.edu for overseas postal cost.
Description: Mutineer is the story of John Adams, who signed aboard the Bounty under the name of Alexander Smith, of his finding the Bounty's Bible, turning the Pitcairners to Christianity, and of the change of the Pitcairners' religious practice in the 1880s.
Price and ordering: Two copies available. $20.00 includes postage in the U.S.. Contact hford@puc,edu for overseas postal cost.
Heirs of Exile
Description: This is an intimately-told story of the life and history of Pitcairn Island by Alta Hilliard Christensen. One copy available. Many photographs, poems, hymns and informative map of the island in the inside covers of this most interesting 1955-published book
Price and ordering: $25.00 includes postage in the U.S. Contact hford@puc.edu for overseas postal cost.
Description: This small-sized book recounts a full year of ham (amateur) radio conversations on a wide range of Pitcairn-Bounty-related subjects between Tom Christian on Pitcairn Island, and Eddie Pullen and Herbert Ford at the Adventist's international radio broadcast headquarters in Glendale, California. Included among the many accounts and pictures in the book is Great Britian's Prince Phillips' visit to Pitcairn (along with Lord Louis Mountbatten) in 1971 in the royal yacht Britannia
Price and ordering: Two copies available. $20.00 includes postage in the U.S. Contact hford@puc.edu for overseas postal cost.
John Tay, Messenger to Pitcairn
Description: This story of sailor-turned-missionary-to-Pitcairn Island is interestingly told in this small paperback book by Sadie Owen Engen. Mr. Tay's story ends at the headstone of his grave where he is buried in downtown Suva, Fiji
H.M.S. Bounty
Alexander McKee, 1961, 222 pages. One copy available
Description: In this startling, fully documented book, Alexander McKee uncovers the answers to the many long-unsolved questions about the ship, her captain and crew. Using all the natural drama of violent storms and savage native attacks, McKee reconstructs the actual voyage of the ill-fated ship use name is forever linked with one of the epic scandals in naval history.
Price and ordering: USD$25.00 including postage and handling. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book under "New Books" above.
The Saga of the Bounty
Irving Anthony, Ed., 1935, 358 pages, illustrations. One copy available
Description: Of his excellent editing of various sources of the Bounty Saga in his book, Anthony writes: "Forty-four seamen, a botanist and a gardener shared the cluttered ship with four four-pound guns and ten swivels. The ship was victualled for eighteen months. Bligh's meanness cheated them in the purchasing of the stores and skimped the rations served. Severe in command, he took no heed of the hardships of irregular service. He quarreled with his master and his surgeon at the outset of the voyage, but all that belongs to the story. Let the dead speak and the book get on with its purpose.
Price and ordering: USD$25.00 including postage and handling. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book under "New Books" above.
Mister Christian
William Kinsolving, 1996, 380 pages. One copy available
Description: Of this book author Stuart Woods writes: "Mister Christian is an utterly convincing, brilliantly realized extension of one of history's greatest stories, one that I, like other readers, had sadly thought to be long finished. Kinsolving has, in research, language, and sheer storytelling power, given Fletcher Christian new and astonishing life; and his readers a fresh and absorbing tale to keep them late at their firesides. The novel cries out for a sequel!"
Price and ordering: USD$25.00 including postage and handling. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book under "New Books" above.
The Mutiny on Board HMS Bounty
William Bligh, adapted by Deboarh Kestel, 1992, 238 pages. One copy available
Description: In this Baronet Books "Great Illustrated Classics" title Ms. Kestel tells the story of the famed mutiny in the language of younger readers. Almost every page of the book has an accompanying page of interesting, line-drawing illustration about the page of text. Any younger reader who enjoys reading about adventure would treasure this book.
Price and ordering: USD$20.00 including postage and handling. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book under "New Books" above.
The Life of Vice Admiral William Bligh
George MccKaness, 1931, 400 pages (two volumes in one) with an excellent index, and a fold-out map of the Bounty's launch track across the Pacific Ocean after the mutiny. One copy available
Description: This is the authorative work on the life of William Bligh, captain of HMS Bounty, who retired as a Vice Admiral of the Blue of the British Royal Navy. McKanass has brought a wealth of knowledge of this key figure of the Bounty Saga to light. He has, if anything, overly researched his subject, but for those with an interest in the Mutiny on the Bounty the abundance of information about Bligh found in this two-volumes-in-one book is inspiring.
Price and ordering: USD$45.00 including postage and handling. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book under "New Books" above.
The Bounty Trilogy
Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall, 1964, 691 pages. One copy available
Description: This beautifully published three-books-in-one softbound edition of the trilogy (Mutiny on the Bounty, Men Against the Sea, Pitcairn's Island) is faithful to the originals which were first published in the 1930s. These three books awakened the world to the presence of the tiny, remote South Pacific isle called "Pitcairn" and the mutiny that made it famous. Each of the three books in this combined-in-one volume is a great and gripping read!
Price and ordering: USD$25.00 including postage and handling. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book under "New Books" above.
Captain Bligh and Mr. Christian, The Men and the Mutiny
Richard Hough, 1973, 320 pages. Three copies available
Description: The main outline of the Bounty mutiny is widely known and usually seen in strong blacks and whites. It is only through Richard Hough's painstaking scholarship and reinterpretation of the main characters that the classic quality of the Bounty Saga takes on new meaning. Mr. Hough's research took him on prolonged journeys to Christian's birthplace to the other side of the world where Christian's death and Bligh's miraculous open-boat escape occurred. A book of great worth.
Price and ordering: USD$25.00 including postage and handling. See all other ordering particulars as explained for the genealogies book under "New Books" above.
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