A Guide to Pitcairn Island
If you want accuracy and complete information about life on
Pitcairn Island and the events that brought the mutineers of HMS
Bounty to the island, you'll want to own A Guide to Pitcairn (2000
edition), the informative 70-page book published by the Government of
the Islands of Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno. It is the only
official British publication about Pitcairn, the smallest protectorate
of the British Empire.
The Guide contains sections on Pitcairn's history,
characteristics of the island, how Pitcairners earn a living, community
life and leisure, education, health, communications, administration
and the law. A section is devoted to the other islands of the Pitcairn
group, and a selection from the writings of Pitcairner Roy Palmer
Clark. Appendices on population statistics, Pitcairn's finances,
Pitcairn office-holders from 1972 to 1990, and a Pitcairn Island reading
list are also included.
The Guide's cover is stunning, with a full-color view of
the Landing at Bounty Bay, 700-foot tall Ship's Landing Point rising in the
background. The back of the book features a full color view of the
entire island taken from the ocean.
In harmony with its mission to provide accurate information relating to
Pitcairn specifically, and The Bounty Saga in general, the Pitcairn Islands Study
Center is making available the Guide for U.S. $20.00, plus $3.00 for packing
and postage. Please check with hford@puc.edu for book and postal cost outside
the U.S.
To order: Send check to Pitcairn Islands Study Center, 1 Angwin Ave.,
Angwin, CA 94508. Or send VISA, MasterCard or Discovery credit card particulars
to the address, or send them to hford@puc.edu. Telephone may be used, to 707-965-6625,
or 707-965-2047. Fax orders may be sent to 707-965-6504. PayPal.com may be
used using PISC@pitcairnstudycenter.org.
Pitcairn Islands Study Center
Pacific Union College
1 Angwin Avenue
Angwin, CA 94508 USA