Mass Media News ArticlesThe following articles about subjects of interest to the Study
Center have appeared in the mass media. For more current news articles, visit Google News at http://news.google.com/ and type "Pitcairn Island" or "Pitcairn news" or "Norfolk Island" etc. into the "Search News" box.
- Aug.
31, 2005, Daily Telegraph, London, "Pitcairn museum shows
Bounty treasures"
- Dec.
29, 2004, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.com, "A plea for help from
the South Pacific: Residents of local borough asked to help injured
woman from Pitcairn Island"
- Sept.
8, 2004, BBC News, "A rock and a hard place"
- Jul
19, 2004, Scotsman.com, "Island probes only second murder
in 150 years"
- Jun
30, 2004, tvnz.co.nz, "Pitcairn Islanders get local trial"
- Feb
3, 2004, Taipei Times, "Rape case testing British claim to
Pitcairn Island"
- Feb
2, 2004, New Zealand Herald, "Fresh challenge over Pitcairn
- Feb
2, 2004, stuff.co.nz, "'Immensely significant' new evidence
in Pitcairn Island sex case"
- Jan
18, 2004, Scotsman.com, "Island faces death sentence"
- Dec
1, 2003, The Salt Lake Tribune, "Dyer: Descendants of HMS
Bounty mutineers run afoul of the law"
- Nov
19, 2003, Independent, UK, "Pitcairn islanders bring challenge
to Britain's right to prosecute 'Bounty' descendants in sex abuse
- Nov
18, 2003, stuff.co.nz, "Pitcairn community not bound by British
law - defense"
- Nov
17, 2003, The New Zealand Herald, "Ambitious Pitcairn challenge"
- Nov
17, 2003, The New Zealand Herald, "Aid opening good news
for Pitcairn"
- Nov
16, 2003, The New Zealand Herald, "Defender calls for 'Pitcairn
- Sept
22, 2003, Frankston Journal, Australia, "Bountiful tales
and true"
- Sept
16, 2003, icWales, "First child born on Pitcairn island in
17 years"
- Sept
12, 2003, RockyMountainNews.com, "Mr. Nice Bligh" (book
- Aug
31, 2003, The Observer International, Bounty islands
life stands in the dock.
- Aug
30, 2003, Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, "An island all
- Aug
24, 2003, Independent Online, South Africa, "How paradise
island became outcrop of hell"
- Aug
19, 2003, Nzoom.com, New Zealand, "Pining for Norfolk Island'