The Millerite Movement
Bibliography by Gary Shearer
Adventist Studies Librarian
Pacific Union College Library

Updated 04-05-05

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1844 and the Rise of Sabbatarian Adventism. Compiled and Edited by George R. Knight. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1994. 190p. Reproduction of original historical documents. Pp.7-142 cover the Millerite period.

Abanes, Richard. End-Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon? New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1998. Chapter 7, "Miller's Millennial Madness," pp.209-228; "Notes," pp.392-393. Illus.

"Advent Herald." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 6.

"Advent Mirror." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 6.

"Advent Shield." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 8. A Millerite journal edited by J. V. Himes, S. Bliss and A. Hale.

Anderson, Eric. "The Millerite Use of Prophecy: A Case Study of a 'Striking Fulfillment'." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.78-91.

Anderson, Godfrey T. "The Great Second Advent Awakening to 1844." In The Advent Hope in Scripture and History. Edited by V. Norskov Olsen. Washington, DC/Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1987. Chapter 8, pp.152-172.

Anderson, Godfrey T. Outrider of the Apocalypse: Life and Times of Joseph Bates. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1972. Chapter 7, "Herald of the Morning (1839-1844)," pp.45-53; Chapter 8, "Lo, The Bridegroom," pp.54-60. Bates' experiences as a Millerite.

Andross, Matilda Erickson. Story of the Advent Message. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1926. Chapter 1, "The Morning Star of the Advent Movement," pp.9-18; Chapter 2, "The Advent Movement in America," pp.19-27; Chapter 3, "The Advent Movement in Other Lands," pp.29-36; Chapter 4, "The Great Disappointment," pp.37-47.

Arasola, Kai. The End of Historicism: Millerite Hermeneutic of Time Prophecies in the Old Testament. Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University, 1990. 226p. Revision of D. Th. dissertation done in 1989.

Arthur, David T. "Joshua V. Himes and the Cause of Adventism." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.36-58.

Arthur, David T. "Millerism." In The Rise of Adventism. Edited by Edwin S. Gaustad. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1974. Pp.154-172.

Backman, Milton V., Jr. Christian Churches of America: Origins and Beliefs. Revised Edition. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983. Chapter 16, "Seventh-day Adventists," pp.182-192 (William Miller, pp.182-185); Notes, pp.242-243; Bibliography, p.256.

Baker, Delbert W. The Unknown Prophet: The Life and Times of William Ellis Foy. Washington, DC/Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1987. Chapter 8, "The Millerite Connection," pp.69-77; Chapter 14, "A Duty to Warn,"pp.125-131; Chapter 17, "A Comparison of Two Prophets," pp.147-153.

Baldwin, Dalton D. "William Miller's Use of the Word 'Atonement'." In Doctrine of the Sanctuary: A Historical Survey (1845-1863). Edited by Frank B. Holbrook. "Daniel and Revelation Committee Series," Volume 5. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1989. Appendix A, pp.159-170.

Barkun, Michael. Crucible of the Millennium: The Burned-Over District of New York in the 1840's. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1986. 194p.

Barkun, Michael. "'The Wind Sweeping Over the Country': John Humphrey Noyes and the Rise of Millerism." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millernarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.153-172.

Bates, Joseph. The Autobiography of Elder Joseph Bates. Battle Creek, MI: Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, 1868; Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association, reprint 1970. Pp.243-302 cover his experiences as a Millerite.

Baumgartner, Frederic J. Longing for the End: A History of Millennialism in Western Civilization. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. Chapter 10, "The Burned-Over District," pp.151-171.

Beegle, Dewey M. Prophecy and Prediction. Ann Arbor, MI: Pryor Pettengill Publisher, 1978. William Miller discussed, pp.224-229.

Billington, Louis. "The Millerite Adventists in Great Britain, 1840-1850." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.59-77.

"Bliss, Sylvester." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Pp.208-209.

Bliss, Sylvester. Memoirs of William Miller. Boston: Published by Joshua V. Himes, 1853. Leaves-of-Autumn reprint, 1988. 426p.

Bowden, Henry Warner. Dictionary of American Religious Biography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1977. "Miller, William," pp.309-310.

Boyer, Paul. When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992. William Miller/Millerite movement discussed, pp.81-85,88,92,99.

Brauer, Jerald C. Protestantism in America: A Narrative History. Revised Edition. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1965. William Miller, pp.160-163,307,313.

A Brief History of William Miller. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1915. Fourth edition. 387p. Originally issued by the Advent Christian Publication Society.

A Brief History of William Miller, the Great Pioneer in Adventual Faith. First edition. Boston: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1895. 387p.

Brinsmead, Robert D. 1844 Re-Examined. Fallbrook, CA: I. H. I., 1979. Pp.19-31.

Bruinsma, Reinder. Seventh-day Adventist Attitudes Toward Roman Catholicism 1844-1965. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1994. Chapter 2, "Millerism and Catholicism," pp.21-74. This book is a revised version of author's Ph.D. dissertation done at the University of London.

Burt, Merlin D. "The Historical Background, Interconnected Development, and Integration of the Doctrines of the Sanctuary, the Sabbath, and Ellen G. White's Role in Sabbatarian Adventism From 1844 to 1849." Ph.D. Dissertation. Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 2002. Millerites covered in Chapter 1, pp. 1-59 and Chapter 2, pp. 60-174.

Butler, Jonathan. "'From Millerism to Seventh-day Adventism': 'Boundlessness to Consolidation'." In American Church History: A Reader. Edited by Henry Warner Bowden and P.C. Kemeny. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998, pp. 359 - 368. Originally appeared in Church History 55 (March 1986) 50-64.

Butler, Jonathan M. "The Making of a New Order." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.189-208.

Butler, Jonathan M. and Ronald L. Numbers. "Introduction." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.XV-XXIV.

Byers, Carolyn. Lucy Miller: The Girl Who Waited for Jesus. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1977. 125p. A book for younger readers.

Carner, Vern, Sakae Kubo, Curt Rice. "Bibliographical Essay." In The Rise of Adventism. Edited by Edwin S. Gaustad. New York: Harper and Row, 1974. Pp.213-245 and 303-317 cover the Millerite period. 19th century primary sources.

Carroll, John T., Alexandra R. Brown, Claudia J. Setzer, and Jeffrey S. Siker. The Return of Jesus in Early Christianity. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2000. Chapter Seven, "Centuries of Waiting: The Persistence of Apocalyptic Hope, pp. 185-198 ("Predicting the End: The Millerites", pp. 192-193).

Carwardine, Richard. Transatlantic Revivalism: Popular Evangelicalism in Britain and America, 1790-1865. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978. Millerite Adventist movement, pp.52-54,82,109.

Chandler, Russell. Doomsday: The End of the World - A View Through Time. Ann Arbor, MI: Servant Publications, 1993. Chapter 5, "Millerial Fever," pp.79-90,306-307.

Cist, Charles. The Cincinnati Miscellany, or Antiquities of the West: And Pioneer History and General and Local Statistics Compiled From the Western General Advertiser, From October 1st 1844 to April 1st 1845. Cincinnati: Caleb Caleb, Printer, 1845. Reprinted under The First American Frontier, Arno Press, 1971. "Millerism," pp.29-30; "Millerism - The Finale Here," pp.41-43.

Clark, Jerome L. "Revivalism and the Millerite Movement." 1844, Volume 1: Religious Movements. Nashville: Southern Publishing Association, 1968. Pp.15-83.

Cleveland, Sydney. White-Washed: Uncovering the Myths of Ellen G. White. Greenwood, IN: The Author, 1999. "The Great Disappointment," pp.143-157; "Karaite Jews and October 22,1844," pp.159-176. Critical.

Cohen, Daniel. How the World Will End. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1973. Chapter 1, "The Midnight Cry," pp.13-34.

Cohen, Daniel. Waiting for the Apocalypse. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1983. Chapter 1, "The Midnight Cry," pp.13-34. Revised edition of "How the World Will End," published in 1973.

Collison, Gary L. "Miller, William." In American National Biography, Volume 15. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp.520-521.

Conkin, Paul K. American Originals: Homemade Varieties of Christianity. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997. "The Millerites," pp.117-124; "Reading Guide," pp.159-160.

Cooper, Emma Howell. The Great Advent Movement. Revised and Enlarged. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1968. "The First Angel's Message," pp.12-24; "The Great Disappointment of 1844," pp.26-30; "The Second Angel's Message," pp.31-33.

Cross, Whitney R. "The End of the World." The Burned-Over District: The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York, 1800-1850. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1950,1982. Pp.287-321.

Daily, Steve. The Essence of Adventism: An Introduction to Seventh-day Adventism. Riverside, CA: Chaplain's Office, Loma Linda University-Riverside Campus, 1986. "The Millerite Heritage of Adventism," pp.29-32; "The Meaning of 1844 for Adventists Today," pp.32-34.

Daily, Steven G. Adventism for a New Generation. Portland/Clackamas, OR: Better Living Publishers, 1993. "The Millerite Heritage of Adventism," pp.61-62; "The Meaning of 1844 for Adventists Today," pp.62-63.

Damsteegt, P. Gerard. Foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist Message and Mission. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1977,1981. Part One, "The Origins of the Seventh-day Adventist Theology of Mission," pp.3-100.

Damsteegt, P. Gerard. "Historical Background (Early Nineteenth Century)." In Doctrine of the Sanctuary: A Historical Survey (1845-1863). Edited by Frank B. Holbrook. "Daniel and Revelation Committee Series," Volume 5. Silver Spring, MD: Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 1989. Concepts of the sanctuary within the Millerite Movement discussed, pp.6-16.

"Day-Star." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 446. A Millerite periodical.

Dean, David A. "Rediscovering Millerism: Modern Evangelicalism's Debt to the Nineteenth Century Adventist Awakening ." In Our Destiny We Know: Essays in Honor of Edwin K. Gedney. Edited by Freeman Barton. Charlotte, NC: Venture Books, 1996. Pp.29-39.

deChant, Dell. "World Religions Made in the U.S.A." In World Religions in America: An introduction. Revised and Expanded. Edited by Jacob Neusner. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2000. William Miller briefly discussed on pp.188-189.

Devens, R. M. Our First Century. Springfield, MA: C. A. Nichols and Co., 1876. "Expected Destruction of the World - 1843," pp.431-438.

Dick, Everett N. Founders of the Message. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1938. "William Miller," pp.13-66; "Joshua V. Himes," pp.69-101.

Dick, Everett N. "Miller, William." Dictionary of American Biography, Volume 12. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1933. Pp.641-643.

Dick, Everett N. "The Millerite Movement, 1830-1845." In Adventism in America: A History. Edited by Gary Land. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1986. Pp.1-35,254-259.

Dick, Everett N. "The Millerite Movement,1830-1845." In Adventism in America. Revised Edition. Edited by Gary Land. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1998. Pp.1-28.

Dick, Everett N. William Miller and the Advent Crisis, 1831-1844. Edited by Gary Land. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1994. 221p.

The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. 235p.

The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Second Edition. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1993. 249p. This edition adds a second appendix on the trial of Israel Dammon.

"The Disappointment Remembered: The Recollections of Luther Boutelle, Hiram Edson, and Henry B. Bear." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Appendix: pp.209-226.

Doan, Ruth Alden. The Miller Heresy, Millennialism, and American Culture. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1987. 286p.

Doan, Ruth Alden. "Millerism and Evangelical Culture." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.118-138.

Egbert, Elaine. Till Morning Breaks: A Story of the Millerite Movement and the Great Disappointment. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1993. 256p. A historical novel.

Eggleston, Edward. The End of the World: A Love Story. New York: AMS Press, 1969. 299p. Reprinted from the edition of 1872. A novel about a young Millerite couple.

The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism, Volulme 3: Apocalypticism in the Modern Period and the Contemporary Age. Edited by Stephen J. Stein. New York: Continuum, 1998. William Miller discussed, pp.81-82,104-105,115-116,138,145-146,157,436. These pages are in chapters authored by several different authors.

Festinger, Leon, Henry W. Riecken, and Stanley Schachter. "Unfulfilled Prophecies and Disappointed Messiahs." In Expecting Armageddon: Essential Readings in Failed Prophecy. Edited by Jon R. Stone. New York and London: Routledge, 2000. Pp.31-53 (Miller discussed pp.38-46).

Festinger, Leon, Henry W. Riecken and Stanley Schachter. When Prophecy Fails. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1956. "Unfulfilled Prophecies and Disappointed Messiahs," pp.3-32 . Millerites discussed, pp.12-23.

"Fitch, Charles." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 551.

"Fleming, Lorenzo D." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 552.

Ford, Mark. The Church at Washington, New Hampshire: Cradle of Seventh-day Adventism. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 2002. Chapter 2, "Millerites", pp. 23-35. Illus.

Foster, Lawrence. "Burned-over District." In Encyclopedia of Millennialism and Millennial Movements. Edited by Richard A. Landes. New York and London: Routledge, 2000. Pp.52-55.

Foster Lawrence. "Had Prophecy Failed?: Contrasting Perspectives of the Millerites and Shakers." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp,173-188.

Foster, Lawrence. "Had Prophecy Failed?: Contrasting Perspectives of the Millerites and Shakers." In Expecting Armageddon: Essential Readings in Failed Prophecy. Edited by Jon R. Stone. New York and London: Routledge, 2000. Pp.159-173.

Foster, Lawrence. Religion and Sexuality: Three American Communal Experiments of the Nineteenth Century. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981. Millerism discussed on pp.11-12. For Millerite influence on Shaker growth see pp.64,276-277.

Froom, LeRoy Edwin. The Conditionalist Faith of Our Fathers, Volume 2. Washington, DC: Review and Herald, 1965. Pp.305-315 discuss George Storrs' introduction of conditionalism into the Second Advent movement and the conversion of two ministers, Charles Fitch and Calvin French, to this belief.

Froom, LeRoy Edwin. The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers, Volume 4. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1954. "Part 2 - Prophetic Exposition the Foundation of the Millerite Phase of the Second Advent Movement, 1831-1844," pp.429-851. Illus.

Gale, Robert. The Urgent Voice: The Story of William Miller. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1975. 158p.

George, Leonard. Crimes of Perception: An Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics. New York: Paragon House, 1995. Pp.208-209. Continues the ascension robe story.

Gordon, Paul A. Herald of the Midnight Cry. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1990. 127p.

Graybill, Ronald D. "The Abolitionist - Millerite Connection." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.139-152.

"Hale, Apollos." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Pp.657-658.

Harrison, John Fletcher Clews. The Second Coming: Popular Millenarianism, 1780-1850. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1979. See index under "Miller," "Millerism," "Millerites."

Hatch, Nathan O. The Democratization of American Christianity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. See index: "Miller, William" and "Millerites."

Hatch, Nathan O. "Millennialism and Popular Religion in the Early Republic." In The Evangelical Tradition in America. Edited by Leonard I. Sweet. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 1984. Pp.113-130. Miller discussed, pp.118-120.

Heuer, Kenneth. The End of the World. New York: Rinehart and Company, Inc., 1953. Chapter 1, "Prophets of Doom," pp.11-35. William Miller discussed, pp.26-32.

Hewitt, Clyde E. Midnight and Morning: An Account of the Adventist Awakening and the Founding of the Advent Christian Denomination, 1831-1860. Charlotte, NC: Venture Books, 1983. 326p.

"Himes, Joshua Vaughan." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Pp.694-695.

Holte, James Craig. The Conversion Experience in America: A Sourcebook on Religious Conversion Autobiography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992. Chapter 21, "William Miller (1782-1849)," pp.155-160. Contains a number of inaccuracies.

Howell, Clifford G. The Advance Guard of Missions. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1912. Chapter 27, "William Miller, Converted Infidel and Baptist Evangelist," pp.324-347.

Howell, Emma E. The Great Advent Movement. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1935. "The First Angel's Message," pp.12-25; "The Great Disappointment of 1844," pp.26-30; "The Second Angel's Message," pp.31-33.

Howell, Emma E. The Great Advent Movement. Revised. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1957. "The First Angel's Message," pp.12-25; "The Great Disappointment of 1844," pp.26-30; "The Second Angel's Message," pp.31-33.

Hoyt, Frederick. "Ellen White's Hometown: Portland, Maine, 1827-1846." In The World of Ellen G. White. Edited by Gary Land. Washington, DC/Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1987. Page 21 contains observation that Millerism received rather extensive coverage in Portland's press during the years 1837 to 1846. Page 25 has a very brief reference to Millerites as a subject of lectures given in the city.

Hudson, Winthrop S. and John Corrigan. Religion in America. Fifth Edition. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992. "The Millerites," pp.192-194.

Johnson, Albert C. Advent Christian History. Boston: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1918. Chapts.1-4, pp.11-117.

Joiner, James. These Were the Courageous. Nashville: Southern Publishing Association, 1968. "William Miller," pp.10-15; "Joshua Himes," pp.16-21.

Jordan, Anne Devereaux. The Seventh-day Adventists: A History. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1988. Chapter II, "Faith and Failure: The Millerites," pp.25-37. Has Miller being born in Low Hampton, NY and not Pittsfield, MA. Has Joseph V. Himes and not Joshua V. Himes.

Judd, Wayne R. "William Miller: Disappointed Prophet." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.17-35.

Katz, David S. and Richard H. Popkin. Messianic Revolution: Radical Religious Politics to the End of the Second Millennium. New York: Hill and Wang, 1998. William Miller discussed pp.153-156.

Kirkpatrick, Frank G. "Millennialism and Adventism." In Encyclopedia of the United States in the Nineteenth Century, Volume 2. Editor in Chief, Paul Finkelman. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2001. Pp. 331-333 cover William Miller.

Knight, George R. Anticipating the Advent: A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1993. Chapter 1, "Millerite Roots," pp.7-19.

Knight, George R. A Brief History of Seventh-day Adventists. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1999. Chapter 1, "Millerite Roots," pp.13-27.

Knight, George R. Joseph Bates: The Real Founder of Seventh-day Adventism. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 2004. Chapter IV, "The Ultimate Reform: Millerism", pp. 58-76.

Knight, George R. Meeting Ellen White: A Fresh Look at Her Life, Writings, and Major Themes. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1996. "Ellen White's Exprience in the Millerite Movement", pp. 15-18.

Knight, George R. Millennial Fever and the End of the World: A Comprehensive Historical Overview of the Millerite Advent Awakening That Swept Mid-nineteenth Century America. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1993. 384p.

Knight, George R. Millennial Fever and the End of the World: A Study of Millerite Adventism. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1993. 384p. This printing contains the subtitle intended by author.

Kyle, Richard. The Last Days Are Here Again: A History of the End Times. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998. "The Midnight Cry: The Millerites," pp.86-91.

Lewis, James R. Peculiar Prophets: A Biographical Dictionary of New Religions. St. Paul, MN: Paragon House, 1999. "Miller, William," pp.183-184.

Lindén, Ingemar. 1844 and the Shut Door Problem. Stockholm, Sweden: Dist. by Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1982. Part 1, "October 22,1844, and the Shut Door Problem," pp.13-35(esp. pp.13-18).

Lindén, Ingemar. The Last Trump. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1978. Chapter 1, "The Roots: The Millerite Movement - A Reevaluation," pp.17-76.

Lindén, Ingemar. "Millerism - An Historical Enigma?" In New Religions. Edited by Haralds Biezais. "Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis," Volume 7. Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1975. Pp.123-133. "Based on papers read at the Symposium on New Religions held at Åbo on the 1st-3rd of September 1974.

"Litch, Josiah." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume A-L. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 10. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Pp.930-931.

Loud, Grover C. Evangelized America. New York: Lincoln MacVeagh/The Dial Press, 1928. Chapter 12, "The Second Coming," pp.162-180.

Loughborough, John N. The Great Second Advent Movement: Its Rise and Progress. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1909. William Miller discussed, pp.118-124. See also chapters 7-12.

Loughborough, John N. Rise and Progress of the Seventh-day Adventists. Battle Creek, MI: General Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists, 1892. Chapter 4, pp.29-45; Chapter 5, pp.46-51; Chapter 6, pp.52-60; Chapter 7, pp.61-75; Chapter 8, pp.76-87.

Ludlum, David M. Social Ferment in Vermont, 1791-1850. New York: AMS Press, 1939,1966. Pp.17-18,250-260.

Malachy, Yona. American Fundamentalism and Israel: The Relation of Fundamentalist Churches to Zionism and the State of Israel. Jerusalem: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1978. Part 1, " William Miller and the Modern Adventist Movement," pp.19-56.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. God Cares, Volume 2: The Message of Revelation for You and Your Family. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1985. William Miller discussed, pp.356-368 and 400-403.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. Magnificent Disappointment: A Restored View of What Really Happened in 1844 and What It Teaches Us About Jesus and the Adventist Church Today. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1994. Chapter 1, "Best Man Available," pp.11-21; Chapter 2, "How Miller Made His Mistake," pp.23-32; Chapter 3, "How Do You Calculate 1844?," pp.35-45; Chapter 4, "Why October 22?," pp.47-57.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. Moving Out. Revised edition. Edited by Joe Engelkemier. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1980. "Tell It to the World," pp.4-8; "'Happiest Year of My Life'," pp.13-17; "Miller's Mistake," pp.19-23.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. Tell It To the World: The Story of Seventh-day Adventists. Second revised edition. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1977. Chapter 1, "'No, God. I Cannot Preach!'," pp.9-14; Chapter 2, "The Great Second Advent Awakening," pp.15-22; Chapter 3, "The Tarrying Time," pp.23-27; Chapter 4, "The Midnight Cry," pp.28-33; Chapter 5, "'Why Didn't Daddy Come?'," pp.34-39.

McIntyre, Floyd L. "The Artifacts of the Adventual Awakening: The Miller Chapel and Homestead." In Our Destiny We Know: Essays in Honor of Edwin K. Gedney. Edited by Freeman Barton. Charlotte, NC: Venture Books, 1996. Pp.41-53.

McKelvey, Blake. Rochester, the Water-Power City, 1812-1854. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1945. Millerites in Rochester, pp.288-289,347.

McMaster, John Bach. A History of the People of the United States, From the Revolution to the Civil War, Volume 7: 1841-1850. New York: D. Appleton-Century, 1910,1914. Chapter 73, "The East in the Forties," pp.134-141.

Meister, Charles W. Year of the Lord: A.D. Eighteen Forty-Four. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 1983. Chapter 2, "The Second Coming of Christ," pp.13-44.

Melton, J. Gordon. Biographical Dictionary of American Cult and Sect Leaders. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1986. "Miller, William," pp.180-182.

Melton, J. Gordon. "Spiritualization and Reaffirmation: What Really Happens When Prophecy Fails." In Expecting Armageddon: Essential Readings in Failed Prophecy. Edited by Jon R. Stone. New York and London: Routledge, 2000. Pp. 145-157 (Millerites discussed pp. 152-154).

Memorable Dates From Our Adventist Past. Compiled by James R. Nix. Silver Spring, MD: North American Division Office of Education, General Conference of SDA, 1989. "March 20,1840: First Issue of Millerite 'Signs of the Times' Published," pp.33-34; "March 21,1843: Beginning Date of the Year That William Miller Felt Ended the 2300 Day of Prophecy," pp.34-36; "March 21,1844; First Disappointment for Millerite Adventists," pp.36-39; "June 21,1842; First Millerite Adventist Camp Meeting Opened at Hatley, Quebec," pp.80-81; "June 28,1842: First Official Millerite Adventist Camp Meeting Opened at East Kingston, New Hampshire," pp.82-83; "July 26,1843: Charles Fitch's Sermon, 'Come Out of Her My People', Published," pp.94-96; "August 14,1831: William Miller Started to Preach About the Soon Return of Christ," pp.99-102; "August 22,1844; Samuel S. Snow Printed Article Predicting Christ's Return on October 22,1844," pp.103-105; "October 14,1840: First Millerite General Conference Opened in Boston, Massachusetts," pp.140-142; "October 22,1844: The Great Disappointment," pp.142-144; "December 8,1839: William Miller Began Series of Lectures in Chardon Street Chapel in Boston, Massachusetts," pp.162-164.

"Midnight Cry." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume M-Z. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 11. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 68.

Miller, William. Miller's Reply to Stuart's "Hints on the Interpretation of Prophecy". In Three Letters, Addressed to Joshua V. Himes. Boston: Joshua V. Himes, 1842. 75 p. Facsimile reprint by Leaves-Of-Autumn Books, Payson, Arizona, August 1991.

"Miller, William." The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, Volume 6. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms, 1967. Reprint of 1929 edition by James T. White and Company. Pp.542-543.

"Miller, William." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume M-Z. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 11. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Pp.73-75.

Miller, William. A Trilogy. Payson, AZ: Leaves-of-Autumn Books, Inc., 1985. Reprint of three pamphlets originally published in 1842: "A Lecture on the Typical Sabbaths and Great Jubilee"; "The Kingdom of God;" and "Review of A Discourse, by L. F. Dimmick."

Miller, William. William Miller's Dreams, November 4,1826 and mid-November, 1847. Loma Linda, CA: Archives of Loma Linda University, 1973. 16p and 11p. Contains "Dream of William Miller," with notes by David Arnold and "Brother Miller's Dream," with notes by James White.

"Millerite Movement." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume M-Z. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 11. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Pp.75-82.

The Millerites and Early Adventists: An Index to the Microfilm Collection of Rare Books and Manuscripts. Edited by Jean Hoornstra. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1978. 64p. This is an index for a 60-reel microfilm collection. Section 2 covers Millerite period as well as portions of Section 5 that contains many Millerite and anti-Millerite periodicals.

"Minor, Clorinda S." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume M-Z. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 11. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 91.

Monteith, J. Ernest. The Lord is My Shepherd: A History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. Edited by Malcolm and Lorine Graham. Canadian Union Conference of the SDA Church, 1983. "Our Spiritual Ancestors," pp.7-15 . The Millerite movement in Canada.

Moore, Marvin. The Refiner's Fire. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1990. Chapter 2, "The Historical Method of Interpreting Prophecy," pp.21-39; Chapter 3, "Prophetic Significance of the Millerite Movement," pp.41-45; Chapter 4, "William Miller and His Movement," pp.47-58; Chapter 5, "Why the Great Disappointment?," pp.59-67.

Moore, R. Laurence. Religious Outsiders and the Making of Americans. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Millerites discussed, pp.131-134.

Morgan, Dale. Protestant & Pictures: Religion, Visual Culture, and the Age of American Mass Production. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Chapter 4, "Millerism and the Schematic Imagination," pp.123-158. Illus.

"Morning Watch." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume M-Z. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 11. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 122.

Mustard, Andrew G. James White and SDA Organization: Historical Development, 1844-1881. "Andrews University Seminary Doctoral Dissertation Series," Volume 12. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 1987. Millerites covered pp.25-66,74-91.

Nash, Jay Robert. Zanies: The World's Greatest Eccentrics. Piscataway, NJ: New Century Publishers, 1982. "William Miller: Religious Prophet (1782-1849)," pp.244-246.

Newport, Kenneth G. C. Apocalypse and Millennium: Studies in Biblical Eisegesis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Chapter 7, "William Miller, the Book of Daniel and the End of the World," pp.150-171.

Nichol, Francis D. The Midnight Cry. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1944. 560p.

Nichol, Francis D. Reasons For Our Faith. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1947. Chapters 4-7, pp.43-86.

Nix, James R. Advent Preaching. Silver Spring, MD: North American Division Office of Education, 1989. "William Miller: Biographical Sketch (1782-1849)," pp.5-8; "The Kingdom of God: William Miller. Preached on November 14,1842," pp.9-19.

Nix, James R. Advent Singing: A Collection of Fifty Early Adventist Hymns With Stories That Illustrate. Washington, DC: General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, North American Division Office of Education, 1988. "Millerite Adventist Hymns 1842-1844," pp.3-67. A collection of 17 hymns with stories.

Nix, James R. The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844. Payson, AZ: Leaves-Of-Autumn Books, 1994. 67p. Reprint of a series of articles by James R. Nix appearing in the "Adventist Review" in 1994.

Noll, Mark A. A History of Christianity in the United States and Canada. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1992. William Miller and his movement discussed, pp.192-194,466.

Norton, Wesley. Religious Newspapers in the Old Northwest to 1861: A History, Bibliography, and Record of Opinion. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1977. Millerites discussed, pp.63-65. Library holdings listed for Western Midnight Cry, p.176.

Numbers, Ronald L. and Janet S. Numbers. "Millerism and Madness: A Study of 'Religious Insanity' in Nineteenth-Century America." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.92-117.

O'Leary, Stephen D. Arguing the Apocalypse: A Theory of Millennial Rhetoric. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. Chapter 4, "Millerism as a Rhetorical Movement," pp.93-110; Chapter 5, "Millerite Argumentation," pp.111-133; Notes, pp.260-267.

Odd Gods: New Religions & the Cult Controversy. Edited by James R. Lewis. Amherst, NY Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2001. William Miller covered pp. 118-119.

Olsen, M. Ellsworth. A History of the Origin and Progress of Seventh-day Adventists. Second edition. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1926. Chapter 2, "The Advent Message Proclaimed in the Old World," pp.91-105; Chapter 3, "Beginnings in America," pp.107-119; Chapter 4, "The Great Advent Awakening," pp.121-141; Chapter 5, "The Summer and Autumn of 1844," pp.143-165.

Oropeza, B. J. 99 Reasons Why No One Knows When Christ Will Return. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1994. Miller discussed, pp.61-62,176.

Painter, Nell Irvin. Sojourner Truth: A Life, A Symbol. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996. Chapter 9, "Among the Millerites," pp.79-87; "Notes," pp.309-311.

Parker, Jane Marsh. The Midnight Cry. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1886. 298p. A novel. Author was daughter of Millerite editor Joseph Marsh of Rochester, New York.

Parker, Jenny Marsh. Rochester: A Story Historical. Rochester, NY: Scrantom, Wetmore and Co., 1884. "Millerism. 1843-44," pp.251-254.

Passantino, Gretchen. "Appendix C, The Puzzle of Seventh-day Adventism." In The Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin. General Editor, Hank Hanegraaf. Revised, Updated, and Expanded Anniversary Edition. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1997. Pp. 517-608 ("The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism", pp. 521-528).

Pate, C. Marvin and Calvin B. Haines, Jr. Doomsday Delusions: What's Wrong With Predictions About the End of the World. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1995. "The Millerites," pp.92-96; "The Coming Separation," pp.96-102; "The Separation Begins," pp.102-107; "Perspective on Sectarian Separation," pp.107-109; "Conclusion," pp.109-111; Chapter 5, "Thy Kingdom Did Not Come: The Doomsday Mentality & Cognitive Dissonance," pp.112-147 (Millerites discussed pp.112-133); "Notes," pp.168-172.

Pioneer Stories Retold: A Compilation of Early Experiences in the Advent Movement. Edited by Theodore Lucas. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1956. "Charles Fitch," pp.32-37; "Joshua V. Himes," pp.38-52.

Pöhler, Rolf J. Continuity and Change in Adventist Teaching: A Case Study in Doctrinal Development. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang, 2000. "Millirite Apocalypticism," pp.22-25. From the author's dissertation.

Potter, Charles Francis. The Great Religious Leaders. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1958. "William Miller and the End of the World," pp.415-421.

Potter, Charles Francis. The Story of Religion. Garden City, NY: Garden City Publishing Co., Inc., 1929. "William Miller and the End of the World," pp.537-545.

The Prose Works of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 1. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1892. "The World's End," pp.419-427.

Prosser, Peter E. Dispensationalist Eschatology and Its Influence on American and British Religious Movements. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1999. "The Millenarian Tradition in American Protestantism: Miller & the Adventists," pp.169-172; "William Miller & the Second Advent," pp.176-181.

Queen, Edward L., II, Stephen R. Prothero and Gardiner H. Shattuck, Jr. The Encyclopedia of American Religious History, Volume 2. New York: Facts On File, 1996. "Miller, William (1782-1849)," by GHS, Jr, pp.404-405. Photo.

Randel, William. Edward Eggleston. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1963. Eggleston's novel about a young Millerite couple, "The End of the World," discussed, pp.97-99.

Ransom, Everett S. Prophet Without Honor: A Novel: The Life and Times of William Miller, Founder of the Second Advent Movement. North Wilkesboro, NC?: The Author, 1988. 136p.

Ratzlaff, Dale. The Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-day Adventists. Sedona, AZ: Life Assurance Ministries, 1996. Chapter 3, "White, God, and Miller," pp.43-49; Chapter 4, "William Miller: His Methods and Message," pp.51-82; Chapter 5, "Right Is Wrong - Wrong Is Right," 83-93. Author is critical of Ellen White's endorsement of Miller and is especially critical of Miller's 15 proofs he used to prove Christ was coming in 1843.

Reynolds, Louis B. We Have Tomorrow. Washington, DC/Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1984. Chapter 1, "The Millerite Involvement," pp.17-28.

Robinson, Virgil. James White. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1976. Pp.21-32 cover James White's Millerite years.

Rowe, David L. "Millerites." In Encyclopedia of Millennialism and Millennial Movements. Edited by Richard A. Landes. New York and London: Routledge, 2000. Pp.265-270.

Rowe, David L. "Millerites: A Shadow Portrait." In The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987. Pp.1-16.

Rowe, David L. Thunder and Trumpets: Millerites and Dissenting Religion In Upstate New York, 1800-1850. Chico, CA: Scholars Press, 1985. 188p.

Sandeen, Ernest R. The Roots of Fundamentalism - British and American Millenarianism, 1800-1930. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970. Chapter 2, "The Millenarian Tradition in the United States 1800-1845," pp.42-58.

Schwarz, Richard W. Light Bearers to the Remnant. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1979. Chapter 2, "The Great Advent Awakening," pp.24-36; Chapter 3, "The Millerite Movement, 1839-1844," pp.37-52.

Schwarz, Richard W. and Floyd Greenleaf. Light Bearers: A History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Revised and Updated Edition. Nampa, ID: Pacific Press, 2000. Chapter 2, "The Great Advent Awakening," pp.23-34; Chapter 3, "The Millerite Movement, 1839-1844," pp.35-50; Chapter 4, "After the Disappointment," pp.51-68.

Sears, Clara Endicott. Days of Delusion: A Strange Bit of History. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1924. 264p.

"Seventh-month Movement." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume M-Z. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 11. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald, 1996. Pp.595-596.

Shattuck, Gardiner H., Jr. "Miller, William." In The Encyclopedia of American Religious History, Volume 2. New York: Facts On File, 1996. Pp.404-405. Photo.

Spalding, Arthur Whitefield. Footprints of the Pioneers. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1947. Chapter 2, "Go and Tell It to the World," pp.18-27. Illus.

Spalding, Arthur Whitefield. Origin and History of Seventh-day Adventists, Volume 1. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1961. Chapter 5, "At God's Appointed Time," pp.79-96.

Spicer, William A. Pioneer Days of the Advent Movement. Washington, DC: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1941. Chapter 2, "The Year 1844 a Year of Momentous Events," pp.22-27; Chapter 3, "A Great Opening of Doors in the Days of 1844," pp.28-32.

St. Clair, Michael J. Millenarian Movements in Historical Context. New York: Garland Publishing, 1992. Chapter 11, "America, Part Two: From Millerism to Flying Saucers." Millerites discussed, pp.305-319,338-340.

Staples, Russell L. "Adventism." In The Variety of American Evangelicalism. Edited by Donald W. Dayton and Robert K. Johnston. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1991. Pp.57-71("The Millerite Experience," pp.57-60).

Sweet, William Warren. Religion in the Development of American Culture 1765-1840. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1952. William Miller and his movement discussed, pp.306-311.

Taves, Ann. Fits, Trances, & Visions: Experiencing Religion and Explaining Experience From Wesley to James. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999. Methodist influences on Millerites, pp.153-157,226; Notes, p.397.

Thomas, N. Gordon. The Millennial Impulse in Michigan, 1830-1860: The Second Coming in the Third New England. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1989. Chapter 5, "The Millerites and the Seventh-day Adventists," pp.70-91,122-123.

Thompson, Damian. The End of Time: Faith and Fear in the Shadow of the Millennium. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1996. Millerites/Miller discussed, pp.98-101.

Thompson, Walter C. Seventh-day Adventists: Cult or Christians? Siloam Springs, AR: Creation Enterprises International, 1991. Chapter II, "'A World Awakened, A People Born': The Beginnings of Adventism," pp.11-14. Wrongly dates October 8,1844 as the "Great Disappointment."

"Turner, Joseph." Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Volume M-Z. Second Revised Edition. Edited by Bobbie Jane Van Dolson and Leo R. Van Dolson. "Commentary Reference Series," Volume 11. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1996. Page 802.

Tyler, Alice Felt. Freedom's Ferment: Phases of American Social History to 1860. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1944. "The Millerite Millennial Faith," pp.70-78.

Vande Vere, Emmett K. Windows: Selected Readings in Seventh-day Adventist Church History 1844-1922. Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association, 1975. "Millerite Disappointment," pp.9-24.

Webber, Everett. Escape to Utopia: The Communal Movement in America. New York: Hastings House Publishers, 1959. Chapter 16, "Adonai - Shomo and Celesta," pp.299-317. Millerite account inaccurate.

Weber, T. P. "Miller, William (1792-1849)." In Dictionary of Baptists in America. Edited by Bill J. Leonard. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1944. Pp.189-190.

Wellcome, Isaac C. History of the Second Advent Message, and Mission, Doctrine and People. Boston: Advent Christian Publication Society, 1874. 707p.

White, Arthur L. Ellen G. White, Volume 1: The Early Years, 1827-1862. Washington, DC/Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1985. "Harbingers of the Advent Awakening," p.19; Pp.34-44; Chapter 3, "1844 - The Year of Expectation and Disappointments," pp.45-59. Experiences of Ellen Harmon as a young Millerite.

White, Ellen G. The Great Controversy. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1911,1950. Chapter 18, "An American Reformer," pp.317-342; Chapter 20, "A Great Religious Awakening," pp.355-374; Pp.375-376; Chapter 22, "Prophecies Fulfilled," pp.391-408; Pp.690-692.

White, Ellen G. Life Sketches of Ellen G. White. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1915. EGW's experiences as a Millerite, pp.26-63.

White, Ellen G. The Spirit of Prophecy, Volume 4: The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan. Oakland: Pacific Press/Battle Creek, MI: Review and Herald, 1884. Chapter 13, "William Miller," pp.202-221; Chapters 14-17, pp.222-257.

White, Ellen G. Spiritual Gifts, Volume 1. Battle Creek, MI: James White, 1858. Chapter 22, "William Miller," pp.128-132; Pp.133-150.

White, Ellen G. Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2. Battle Creek, MI: James White, 1860. Pp.12-30 cover Ellen Harmon White's Millerite experiences.

White, Ellen G. William Miller: Herald of the Blessed Hope. Compiled From the Writings of Ellen G. White. Hagerstown, MD: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1994. 94p.

White, James. Life Incidents. Introduction by Jerry Moon. Reprint Edition. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2003. Pp. 25-209, 309-321.

White, James. Life Incidents, in Connection With the Great Advent Movement, Volume 1. Battle Creek, MI: Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, 1868. Pp.25-209,309-321.

White, James. Sketches of the Christian Life and Public Labors of William Miller. Battle Creek, MI: Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, 1875. 416p.

Winter, Kate H. "Millerism." In Encyclopedia of Transcendentalism. Edited by Wesley T. Mott. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996. Pp.117-119.


"1991 Archaeology Dig at Miller Farm." AHP Bulletin 4 (Fall 1991): 3. Illus.

Aamodt, Terrie Dopp. "Adventists and Pictures." Spectrum 29 (Autumn 2001): 10-15. Illus. Book review of "Protestants and Pictures: Religion, Visual Culture, and the Age of American Mass Production," by David Morgan.

Anderson, A. S. "William Miller Memorial Service." Review and Herald 140 (December 19,1963): 23. Picture of Mrs. Ella Adams, Miller's granddaughter and Mrs. Hazel Hollister, great-granddaughter. Miller's favorite rocking chair given to the Miller chapel .

Anderson, August S. "William Miller Memorial Service." Review and Herald 134 (September 19,1957): 1,25. Illus. Picture of 5 relatives of William Miller.

Anderson, Godfrey T. "The Day the Bridegroom Tarried." Insight 7 (23 March 1976): 8-12.

"Another Ascension-Robe Story." Review and Herald 51 (June 13,1878): 187.

"Another Pioneer Fallen." Review and Herald 78 (June 18,1901): 16. Elder O. F. Guilford, a nephew of William Miller. His father was Silas Guilford.

"Antique Furniture Donated to AHP." AHP Bulletin 4 (Fall 1991): 1. Illus. Donations made by Lucy Bartholomew (great granddaughter of William Miller) of Fair Haven, Vermont and Mrs. Hazel Stannard (great, great granddaughter of William Miller) also of Fair Haven.

"Archaeological Dig Planned at Miller Farm." AHP Bulletin 3 (Spring 1990): 1-2.

Arthur, David T. "After the Great Disappointment: To Albany and Beyond." Adventist Heritage 1 (January 1974): 5-10,58.

"'Ascension Robes'." Review and Herald 35 (February 22,1870): 80.

"Ascension Robes." Review and Herald 62 (October 13,1885): 632-634.

"Ascension Robes." Review and Herald 71 (December 4,1894): 755. A letter from Joshua V. Himes to the editors of "The Outlook."

"Ascension Robes." Review and Herald 98 (August 18,1921): 24.

"'Ascension Robes!': An Appeal to the Public." Review and Herald 35 (February 15,1870): 66-67.

Ballenger, E. S. "The Blunder of October 22,1844." Gathering Call 26 (September-October 1938): 14-15. Critical.

Ballenger, E. S. "Some of Miller's Prophetic Mistakes." Gathering Call 29 (July-August 1941): 4-9. Critical.

Ballenger, E. S. "Some of Miller's Prophetic Mistakes." Gathering Call 29 (September-October 1941): 5-7. Critical.

Ballenger, E. S. "Some Peculiar Teachings of William Miller." Gathering Call 32 (March-April 1944): 21-23. Critical.

Ballenger, E. S. "Was October 22 the Day of Atonement in 1844?" Gathering Call 38 (September-October 1949): 90-92. Critical.

Ballenger, E. S. "Wm. Miller of the Advent Movement." Gathering Call 41 (January-February 1952): 12-15. Critical.

"Baptist church at Dresden, New York, the first church in which William Miller preached." Youth's Instructor 107 (October 6,1959): 7. Photo.

Barkun, Michael. Book review of "Millennial Fever and the End of the World: A Study of Millerite Adventism," by George R. Knight. Journal of American History 82 (June 1995): 228-229.

Bates, Joseph. "Thoughts on the Past Work of William Miller." Review and Herald 3 (February 17,1853): 156-157.

Billington, Louis. "The Millerite Adventists in Great Britain, 1840-1850." Journal of American Studies 1 (October 1967): 191-212.

Bohner, J. F. "A Descendant of William Miller Accepts Message." Review and Herald 121 (November 30,1944): 15. Great-great-granddaughter of William Miller joins SDA church in Albany, New York.

Braham, A. Spencer. "The Philadelphia Press and the Millerites." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 78 (April 1954): 189-202.

Brewer, Priscilla J. Book review of "The Miller Heresy, Millennialism, and American Culture," by Ruth Alden Doan and "The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century," edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Journal of American History 75 (December 1988): 931-932.

Brinsmead, Robert D. "American Adventism - An Apocalyptic Movement." Verdict: A Journal of Theology 4 (February 1981): 15-17.

Brothers, Greg. "William Miller Heirlooms Donated to Butte, Montana Church." Gleaner (North Pacific Conference) 84 (January 2,1989): 15. Miller Hansen, great-great-grandson of William Miller. Illus.

Brown, Ira V. "The Millerites and the Boston Press." New England Quarterly 16 (December 1943): 592-614.

Brown, Ira V. "Watchers for the Second Coming: The Millenarian Tradition in America." Mississippi Valley Historical Review 39 (December 1952): 441-458.

Brunt, John. "The Great Disappointment and the Hope of the Advent Yet to Come." Journal of Adventist Education 57 (October/November 1994): 5-9. Illus.

Bryant, R. J. "At the Home of William Miller." Review and Herald 92 (September 9,1915): 8-9. Photo of descendants of Miller.

Bullock, Steven Conrad. "A Pure and Sublime System: The Appeal of Post-Revolutionary Freemasonry." Journal of the Early Republic 9 (1989): 359-373. William Miller was a Mason.

Butler, Jon. "From Millerism to Seventh-day Adventism: 'Boundlessness to Consolidation'." Church History 55 (March 1986): 50-64.

Butler, Jonathan M. Book review of "Thunder and Trumpets: Millerites and Dissenting Religion in Upstate New York, 1800-1850," by David L. Rowe. Church History 55 (June 1986): 240-241.

Butler, William A. "Two Great Lights, No.1: The Midnight Cry." Review and Herald 110 (November 16,1933): 3-5.

Butler, William A. "Two Great Lights, No.2: 'The Loud Cry'." Review and Herald 110 (November 23,1933): 10-11.

Carner, Vern. "Horace Greeley and the Millerites." Adventist Heritage 2 (Summer 1975): 33-34, plus insert page from "New York Tribune."

Carner, Vern. "A Miller Letter." Adventist Heritage 1 (January 1974): 42-43.

Chartier, Gary. "A Definitive History of Millerism." Adventist Heritage 16 (Spring 1995): 41-43. A book review of "Millennial Fever and the End of the World," by George R. Knight.

Chipman, Shirley. "Rekindling the Pioneer Spirit: William Miller Farm Restoration." LLU Scope 27 (October-December 1991): 82-83. Illus.

"Church Leaders Purchase Hampton Historical Site." Whitehall Times 169 (September 27,1984): 1,12. Includes photo of Miller home. Newspaper.

"Church Seeking Funds To Purchase William Miller New York Homestead." Pacific Union Recorder 84 (July 23,1984): 1,8. Illus.

Clark, Harold. "William Miller." Youth's Instructor 95 (February 25,1947): 8,19-20.

Clark, Jerome L. "Roots in a Worldwide Movement." Adventist Review 160 (No.37,1983): 3-5. Illus.

Cohen, Daniel. "Let's Hear It for Doomsday!" The Humanist 36 (July/August 1976): 22-26. Millerites, pp.24-25.

Cole, C. A. "Echoes of the Past." Review and Herald 94 (July 26,1917): 10. About William Miller.

Collins, Norma J. "Adventist Heritage: The Conversion of William Miller." Sabbath School Leadership 7 (October 2003): 12-13.

Collins, Willam P. "Millennialism, the Millerites, and Historicism." World Order 30 (Fall 1998): 9-26.

"Commemorative Stamp Honoring Birth of William Miller Sought." Advent Christian News 13 (December 15,1980): 1.

Coon, Roger W. "Negotiations for William Miller Home Under Way." Adventist Review 161 (July 19,1984): 23.

Cooney, Betty. "Day - Dawn." Spectrum 24 (October 1994): 24-27. Portion of a play, "The Great Disappointment." Concerns a New Hampshire couple.

Corliss, J. O. "Early Experiences - No.1: Looking Backward." Review and Herald 96 (January 16,1919): 8-9.

Corliss, J. O. "Early Experiences - No.2: Two Early Disappointments." Review and Herald 96 (January 23,1919): 10-11.

"'A Correction Concerning Millerites'." Review and Herald 98 (May 12,1921): 8-9. Concerns an article in "Sunday School Times" of February 12,1921, regarding ascension robes.

"Crawford and Stearns Consulting Firm Studies Miller Farm." AHP Bulletin 1 (Summer 1988): 2.

Daley, Brian E. "Judgment Day or Jubilee?: Approaching the Millennium." America 176 (May 31,1997): 8-10,12-14,16-21. William Miller briefly discussed p.12.

Damsteegt, P. Gerard. "Early Adventist Timesettings and Their Implications for Today." Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 4 (Spring 1993): 151-168.

Damsteegt, P. Gerard. Book review of "The End of Historicism: Millerite Hermeneutic of Time Prophecies in the Old Testament," by Kai J. Arasola. Andrews University Seminary Studies 20 (Autumn 1991): 263-264.

Damsteegt, P. Gerard. Book review of "Magnificent Disappointment: What Really Happened in 1844...and Its Meaning for Today," by C. Mervyn Maxwell. Andrews University Seminary Studies 32 (Autumn 1994): 289-291.

Dean, David A. "Miller's Argumentation for the 1843 Date." Henceforth 8 (Spring 1980): 98-107.

Dean, David A. "Miller's Theology." Henceforth 8 (Winter 1979-80): 47-66.

Dean, David A. "The Origin of Conditionalism in Millerism." Henceforth 3 (Spring 1975): 75-80,106.

Dean, David A. "They Put Up the Charts: The Development of the Millerite '1843' Prophetic Chart." Henceforth 3 (Fall 1974): 1-14.

Delafield, D. A. "Christ, the Hope of the Church - 4: The Secret of Power in the Millerite Movement." Review and Herald 126 (June 9,1949): 4-6.

Dick, Everett. "'Behold, He Cometh': The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of the Advent Message in America." Review and Herald 108 (November 12,1931): 4-5.

Dick Everett. "The Great Awakening." Review and Herald 108 (November 19,1931): 7-8.

Dick, Everett. "The Great Disappointment." Review and Herald 109 (January 7,1932): 6.

Dick, Everett. "Joshua Vaughan Himes." Youth's Instructor 92 (February 22,1944): 4,12.

Dick, Everett. "Organization of the Movement." Review and Herald 108 (December 3,1931): 7-8.

Dick, Everett. "The Origin of Camp Meetings." Review and Herald 108 (November 26,1931): 4-5.

Dick, Everett. "Origin of the Adventist Publishing Work." Review and Herald 108 (December 10,1931): 7-8.

Dick, Everett. "The Passing of the Time." Review and Herald 108 (December 24,1931): 6-7. Illus.

Dick, Everett. "'The True Midnight Cry'." Review and Herald 108 (December 31,1931): 5-6. Illus.

Dick, Everett. "William Miller: Father of the Advent Movement in America." Church Officers' Gazette 31 (January 1944): 7-8.

Dick, Everett. "William Miller, Preacher of the Advent Hope." Youth's Instructor 92 (January 4,1944): 4,13.

Dick, Everett. "The Year 1843." Review and Herald 108 (December 17,1931): 7-8. Illus.

Dick, Everett N. "Advent Camp Meetings of the 1840's." Adventist Heritage 4 (Winter 1977): 3-10.

Dick, Everett N. Book review of "The Urgent Voice: The Story of William Miller," by Robert Gale. Adventist Heritage 3 (Winter 1976): 58-60. Illus.

Dower, Richard. "Remembering 150 Years." Lake Union Herald 86 (December 1994): 8-9. Illus. Photo of William Miller home in color.

Duffy, John. Book review of "The Miller Heresy, Millennialism, and American Culture," by Ruth Alden Doan. Vermont History 58 (Spring 1990): 133-135.

Dunbebin, Clarence. "Adventists Celebrate Miller Sesquicentennial." Visitor 99 (December 1,1994): 5. Illus.

Dunton, Hugh I. Book review of "Herald of the Midnight Cry," by Paul A. Gordon. Ministry 64 (February 1991): 28-29.

"An Early Millerite Bible Is Found." Review and Herald 144 (May 18,1967): 21. A family Bible passed down through decendants of William Miller.

Ehrlich, James. "Ascension Robes and Other Millerite Fables: The Millerites in American Literature." Adventist Heritage 2 (Summer 1975): 8-13. Illus.

Ehrlich, James. "Ascension Robes and Other Millerite Fables: The Millerites in American Literature." Journal of Adventist Education 57 (October/November 1994): 18-22. Illus. Reprinted from "Adventist Heritage," Summer 1975 issue.

"Ellen White on William Miller." Lest We Forget 1 (Second Quarter, 1991): 7. Excerpts from Early Writings, pp.229-230.

Fagal, William. "The Birthplace of a Great Movement." Youth's Instructor 86 (July 19,1938): 3,13. Illus. Exterior and interior views of Miller's chapel.

Ferren, J. R. "Renewed Reference to Ascension Robes." Review and Herald 122 (December 6,1945): 16-17.

"First Archaeological Dig at Miller Farm a Success." AHP Bulletin 3 (Winter 1990): 3. Illus.

"The First Pioneer of the Advent Movement." Youth's Instructor 70 (October 10,1922): 3-4. Illus.

"Florida Pathfinders Discover Heritage and More at Miller Farm." AHP Bulletin 1 (Winter 1989): 1. Illus.

"Florida Pathfinders to Work at Miller Farm." AHP Bulletin 1 (Summer 1988): 1. Illus.

Ford, Desmond. "William Miller, 1844, and the Exegesis of Prophecy," Part 1. Good News Unlimited 12 (May 1992): 3-5.

Ford, Desmond. "William Miller, 1844, and the Exegesis of Prophecy," Part 2. Good News Unlimited 12 (June 1992): 3-5.

Foster, Frances. "Mrs. William Miller the Forgotten Pioneer." Lest We Forget 1 (Second Quarter, 1991): 1.

Foster, Ray. "Bible Study, Prophetic Interpretation and the Second Coming - The Story of William Miller." Lest We Forget 1 (Second Quarter, 1991): 4-5.

Foster, Ray. "Empowered to Lighten the Earth." Lest We Forget 2 (Fourth Quarter, 1992): 1,7. Brief discussion on Millerite publications.

Foster, Ray. "George Storrs." Lest We Forget 1 (Fourth Quarter, 1991): 4-5. Storrs introduced conditional immortality to the Millerite movement, though Miller opposed this doctrine.

"Founders Hall." Review and Herald 153 (September 2,1976): 1. Wm. Miller Chapel is on second floor of the building. 1850's portrait of Wm. and Lucy Miller and an"1843 Chart" by Charles Fitch. Illus.

Francis, Joan. "William Miller: The Man Behind the Story of 1844." College and University Dialogue 6 (No.3,1994): 13-16. Illus.

Freed, Anne. "'A Feast of Reason': The Appeal of William Miller's Way of Reading the Bible." Adventist Heritage 16 (Spring 1995): 14-21,44. Illus.

Froom, LeRoy Edwin. "Historical Data on '1843' Chart." Ministry 15 (May 1942): 23-26.

Gaddis, Vincent H. "The Day the World Didn't End." Coronet 22 (May 1947): 63-65.

Gladson, Jerry. "How History Ends, Part 1: William Miller and the Triumph of Premillennialism." Adventist Review 166 (November 9,1989): 10-12. Illus.

Goldstone, S. R. "This Hope Still Burns." Record (South Pacific Division) 99 (June 11,1994): 6-7.

Gordon, Paul. "Church Finalizes Purchase of Miller Home." Adventist Review 161 (November 8,1984): 23.

Gordon, Paul A. "Heritage Sites to Visit This Summer - 5: Low Hampton, New York, William Miller's Home." Adventist Review 171 (April 7,1994): 15. Illus.

Gordon, Paul A. "Historical Places to Visit This Summer - 3: William Miller's Home." Adventist Review 163 (May 22,1986): 17. Illus.

Gragg, Larry. "The Days of Delusion." American History Illustrated 13 (July 1978): 20-25. Illus.

Graybill, Ron. "Angelina Grimke: Antislavery Champion, Second Advent Believer." Insight 15 (14 July 1984): 8-10. Angelina Grimke Weld was a Millerite.

Graybill, Ron. "The Spirit of 1844." Pacific Union Recorder 94 (October 17,1994): 3.

Greenman, Ken. "A Prize-Winning Play: 'The Waiting'." Spectrum 12 (December 1981): 27-39. A play centering around a Vermont family awaiting the coming of Jesus on 22 October 1844.

Greenwalt, Glen. "The Sanctuary - God in Our Midst." Spectrum 24 (October 1994): 42-49.

Guilford, Elder Oscar F. (Obituary). Review and Herald 78 (June 18,1901): 16. Nephew of William Miller and an SDA minister. His mother was a sister to Miller.

Guilford, Hiram S. (Obituary). Review and Herald 98 (April 7,1921): 22. Nephew of William Miller and an SDA.

Guilford, Ransom (Obituary). Review and Herald 81 (March 31,1904): 23. Nephew of William Miller and an SDA.

Haddock, Robert. "Miller's Mistake." These Times 79 (May 1970): 12-15. Illus.

Hansen, Donald E. "Some Fell on Stony Ground: The Advent Message in Australia, 1843-1844." Australasian Record 87 (March 15,1982): 6-7.

Haskell, S. N. "Fundamental Principles of Adventism in 1844." Bible Training School 17 (November 1918): 99-100.

Haskell, S. N. "Pioneers in the First Angel's Message." Bible Training School 18 (June 1919): 3-4.

Haskell, S. N. "Pioneers in the First Angel's Message: Charles Fitch and Josiah Litch." Bible Training School 17 (April 1919): 194-195.

Haskell, S. N. "Pioneers in the First Angel's Message: Joshua V. Himes." Bible Training School 17 (February 1919): 147-149.

Haskell, S. N. "Pioneers in the First Angel's Message: Joshua V. Himes." Bible Training School 17 (March 1919): 3-4.

Haskell, S. N. "Pioneers in the First Angel's Message: Sylvester Bliss and N. N. Whiting." Bible Training School 17 (May 1919): 3-4.

Haskell, S. N. "Pioneers in the First Angel's Message: William Miller." Bible Training School 17 (December 1918): 115-118.

Haskell, S. N. "Pioneers in the First Angel's Message: William Miller." Bible Training School 17 (January 1919): 131-133.

Haskell, S. N. "Publishing Work in the First Angel's Message." Bible Training School 17 (July 1918): 22-24.

Haskell, S. N. "Publishing Work in the First Angel's Message." Bible Training School 17 (August 1918): 36-37.

Haskell, S. N. "Publishing Work Under the First Angel's Message: Work in the Cities." Bible Training School 17 (September 1918): 19-20.

Haynes, C. B. "Origin of 'What! Never Part Again?'." Review and Herald 113 (June 7,1936): 192. Millerite hymn.

Hess, Geraldine. "Lucy Miller." AHM Bulletin 7 (June 1994): 2-3.

Hiebert, A. "Sioux Falls in Church History." Outlook (Mid-American Union) 14 (December 1993): 22-23. Photo of tombstone of Joshua V. Himes in Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Sioux Falls, SD.

Himes, Joshua V. "J. V. Himes on Ascension Robes." Review and Herald 96 (January 9,1919): 16. Article by Himes in the World's Crisis of October 30,1918.

"Historic Sites Owned by AHP." AHP Bulletin 3 (Summer 1990): 1. William Miller Farm, Low Hampton, New York.

"Historical Consultants Scratch the Surface in Color Search." AHP Bulletin 1 (Winter 1989): 2. Analysis of paint layers in the parlor and study of William Miller's home.

Holbrook, Stewart H. "The Bridegroom Cameth Not." American Mercury 62 (May 1949): 600-606.

Holmes, David L. "Fathers and Brethren." Church History 37 (September 1968): 298-318. "'Father' was a common title for American Protestant ministers from the 17th through the 19th centuries," thus explaining why William Miller was often called Father Miller by his followers. See esp. p.308 for reference to William Miller.

"How William Miller Studied His Bible." Church Officers' Gazette 31 (January 1944): 12. Miller's 14 rules for Bible study.

Hoyt, Frederick. "We Lifted Up Our Voices Like a Trumpet: Millerites in Portland, Maine." Spectrum 17 (August 1987): 15-22.

Hoyt, Frederick G. "Remembering William Miller." Pacific Union Recorder 94 (October 17,1994): 5.

Hoyt, Frederick G. "William Miller: An Obituary Evaluation of a Life." Adventist Heritage 16 (Spring 1995): 22-29. Illus.

Johnson, Curtis D. Book review of "Thunder and Trumpets: Millerites and Dissenting Religion in Upstate New York, 1800-1850," by David L. Rowe. New York History 68 (July 1987): 342-344.

Johnson, Paul. Book review of "Thunder and Trumpets: Millerites and Dissenting Religion in Upstate New York, 1800-1850," by David L. Rowe. American Historical Review 91 (April 1986): 466-467.

Jolly, Raymond G. "William Miller and the 'Millerite Movement'." Bible Standard and Herald of Christ's Kingdom 37 (December 1956): 91-95.

Judd, Wayne. "From Ecumenists to Come-outers: The Millerites 1831-1845." Adventist Heritage 11 (Spring 1986): 3-12. Illus.

Judd, Wayne. "William Miller: Disappointed Prophet." Pacific Union Recorder 94 (October 17,1994): 2.

Knight, George R. Book review of "The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century," edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Bulter. Ministry 63 (May 1990): 31.

Knight, George R. "William Miller and the Rise of Adventism." Journal of Adventist Education 57 (October/November 1994): 10-13. Illus.

Knott, Bill. "The Unbroken Rule." Adventist Review 178 (February 2001): 5. Importance of the Doctrine of the Second Advent.

Kress, D. H. "Pioneers - William Miller, Joshua Himes, and Joseph Bates." Review and Herald 121 (May 11,1944): 8,20. Later years of Joshua Himes.

Land, Gary. "The Historians and the Millerites: An Historiographical Essay." Andrews University Seminary Studies 32 (Autumn 1994): 227-246.

Land, Gary. "The Millerites: An Advent Christian View." Adventist Heritage 11 (Fall 1986): 61-64. Review of "Midnight and Morning," by Clyde E. Hewitt. Illus.

Land, Gary. "Strangers Together: Adventism's American Experience." The Newsletter of the Adventist Movements Historical Association 1 (Pilot Issue, 1993): 2-10.

Land, Gary, compiler. "The Millerites: A Bibliography for Teachers." Journal of Adventist Education 57 (October/November 1994): 36-39. An annotated bibliography.

Landa, Paul. "Not Completely Wrong." Signs of the Times 121 (No.10,1994): 18. Illus.

Landis, David Bachman. "The Second Adventists, or Millerites." Lancaster County Historical Society (Pa.) Historical Papers and Addresses of the Lancaster County Historical Society 9 (No.3,1905): 47-58.

LaRondelle, Hans K. "A People of Prophecy, Part 1: Beyond Disappointment: The Prophetic Basis of Adventism." Adventist Review 166 (June 1,1989): 8-10.

Larrabee, Harold A. "The Trumpeter of Doomsday." American Heritage 15 (April 1964): 34-37,95-100. Illus.

Leonard, Bill J. Book review of "The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century," edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. Church History 58 (June 1989): 247-249.

Litch, Josiah. "The Three Wo Trumpets. Wo! Wo!! Wo!!!: Fall of the Ottoman Empire, or Ottoman Supremacy Departed, August 11,1840." Lest We Forget 3 (Fourth Quarter, 1993): Insert A, 4p. Reprinted in part from "The Midnight Cry," January 6,1843, pp.7-10.

Littlejohn, W. H. "The Temple in Heaven: A Talk About the Miller Movement." Review and Herald 61 (November 11,1884): 706-707. An imaginary conversation.

Littlejohn, W. H. "The Temple in Heaven: Mr. Miller's Mistake Discussed." Review and Herald 61 (December 2,1884): 753-754. An imaginary converstation.

Littlejohn, W. H. "The Temple in Heaven: Mr. Miller's Mistake Explained: The Disappointment a Matter of Prophecy." Review and Herald 61 (December 9,1884): 771-772. An imaginary conversation.

Littlejohn, W. H. "The Temple in Heaven: The Talk about Ascention Robes Continued." Review and Herald 61 (November 25,1884): 738-740. An imaginary conversation.

Littlejohn, W. H. "The Temple in Heaven: The Talk About the Miller Movement Continued: The Ascension Robes Scandal Exploded." Review and Herald 61 (November 18,1884): 722-723. An imaginary conversation.

Littlejohn, W. H. "William Miller and the Ascension-Robe Scandal." Review and Herald 58 (October 11,1881): 226-227.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.1." Review and Herald 91 (July 9,1914): 3-4.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.10." Review and Herald 91 (September 17,1914): 4-5. Last article that covers Millerite period.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.2." Review and Herald 91 (July 16,1914): 4-5.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.3." Review and Herald 91 (July 23,1914): 4.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.4." Review and Herald 91 (July 30,1914): 3-4.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.5." Review and Herald 91 (August 6,1914): 4.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.6." Review and Herald 91 (August 13,1914): 5.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.7." Review and Herald 91 (August 20,1914): 6. The seventh month movement.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.8." Review and Herald 91 (August 27,1914): 4-5.

Loughborough, J. N. "The Second Advent Movement - No.9." Review and Herald 91 (September 10,1914): 5-6.

Mansell, Donald E. "Armageddon: Changing Views on the Final Battle." College and University Dialogue 5 (No.3,1993): 13-16. "Millerite Background," p.13. Brief discussion of views of William Miller and Josiah Litch.

Masur, Louis P. Book Review of "Crucible of the Millennium: The Burned-Over District of New York in the 1840's," by Michael Barkun. Reviews in American History 15 (December 1987): 615-618.

Maxwell, Arthur S. "Behold, He Cometh!" Signs of the Times 71 (October 24,1944): 1-2. About William Miller. Photo of Miller Chapel.

Maxwell, Arthur S. "William Miller: A Defense." Signs of the Times 72 (February 27,1945): 4-5. A review of F. D. Nichol's book, "The Midnight Cry."

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. "The Day the World Did Not End." Signs of the Times 121 (No.10,1994): 10-17. Illus. Includes sidebars: "One Among Many," "Eyewitness Account of a Millerite Camp Meeting," "Setting the Date," and "The Day After."

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. "Lo, He Comes! The Story of William Miller." These Times 74 (January 1965): 12-16.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. "Lo, He Comes! The Story of William Miller," Part 2. These Times 74 (February 1965): 10-13,28,30.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. "The Midnight Cry." Adventist Review 171 (September 8,1994): 12-14.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. "Preacher of the Advent - 1." Adventist Review 159 (February 11,1982): 4-5.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. "Preacher of the Advent - 2: The Legacy of William Miller." Adventist Review 159 (February 18,1982): 8-9.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. "William Miller - The Natural Leader." Lake Union Herald 76 (September 25,1984): 8-9. Illus.

Maxwell, C. Mervyn. "William Miller - The Natural Leader, Part 2: The William Miller Legacy." Lake Union Herald 76 (October 23,1984): 6-7. Illus.

Mayer, Betsy. "The Prophecy That Converted One Thousand Infidels." Last Generation 5 (No.4,1993): 7. "In 1838, Josiah Litch predicted the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the summer of 1840, and the skeptics waited."

McArthur, Benjamin. "Millennial Fevers." Reviews in American History 24 (September 1996): 369-382.

McArthur, Benjamin. "A New Look at the Old Days: Adventist History Comes of Age." Spectrum 18 (February 1988): 36-42. Reviews of: "The Disappointed"; "Crucible of the Millennium"; "The Miller Heresy, Millennialism, and American Culture"; "Midnight and Morning"; and "Thunder and Trumpets."

McElhany, J. L. "Behold He Cometh." Review and Herald 121 (December 21,1944): 7-10.

McGeachy, James. "The Karaite Jews." Gathering Call 27 (July-August 1939): 13-19. Author a Seventh Day Baptist minister.

Miller birth home. Located a mile west of Pittsfield, MA. Site marked by four walls of cellar filled in with stone and dirt. Bible Training School 10 (December 1911): 151.

"Miller Family Reunion Planned." AHM Bulletin 9 (December 1996): 2.

"Miller Farm Designated as Historic Site." Adventist Review 171 (May 19,1994): 7.

Miller, William. "Mr. Miller's Apology and Defence." Adventists Affirm 8 (Fall 1994): 18-25.

"Millerism." Dialogue 12 (Winter 1979): 83-85. Reprint from "American Journal of Insanity," January 1845, pp.250-253.

"The Millerites in Maine." Sprague's Journal of Maine History 10 (January, February, March 1922): 1-6. Article by editor, John Fancis Sprague.

Mitchell, Mary H. Book review of "The Midnight Cry," by Francis D. Nichol. American Historical Review 51 (January 1946): 331-332.

Moon, Jerry. Book review of "1844 and the Rise of Sabbatarian Adventism," compiled and edited by George R. Knight. Andrews University Seminary Studies 32 (Autumn 1994): 283-284.

Moon, Jerry. Book review of "William Miller and the Advent Crisis," by Everett Newfon Dick. Andrews University Seminary Studies 32 (Autumn 1994): 262-264.

Morgan, Douglas. Book review of six recent books on Miller and the Millerite movement College and University Dialogue 8 (No.1,1996): 30-31.

Morse, Washington. "Remembrance of Former Days." Review and Herald 78 (May 7,1901): 291.

Nelson, Walter A. "The Faith of William Miller: A Letter Written May 4,1843." Review and Herald 118 (July 17,1941): 3-4. Letter to the editor of the "Midnight Cry." Illus.

Neufeld, Don F. "Was the Atonement Finished on the Cross?" Review and Herald 153 (April 22,1976): 11-12. Historical discussion of Miller's views.

Nichol, F. D. "Ascension Robes: Did the Millerites Really Wear Them?" Signs of the Times 72 (July 10,1945): 6-7,14.

Nichol, F. D. "Did Millerites Wear Ascension Robes?: A Long-Lived Question Answered." Signs of the Times 72 (July 17,1945): 6-7.

Nichol, F. D. "The Second Angel's Message - Part 2: Early Advent Leader Declares Babylon Fallen." Review and Herald 124 (May 29,1947): 3-4. About Charles Fitch.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Advent Movement Enters Its One Hundredth Year - Part V: The Historical Roots of Seventh-day Adventism." Review and Herald 121 (February 3,1944): 4-6. Church's roots are in the Millerite movement.

Nichol, Francis D. "Are Adventists Time Setters?" Signs of the Times 82 (October 4,1955): 8-9. Fourth article of a four-part series.

Nichol, Francis D. "Did Adventists Wear Ascension Robes?" Signs of the Times 82 (September 27,1955): 8-9,14. Third article of a four-part series.

Nichol, Francis D. "Does the Advent Hope Breed Fanaticism?" Signs of the Times 82 (September 20,1955): 10-11,15. Photo of William Miller Chapel. Second article of a four-part series.

Nichol, Francis D. "Early Adventist History - 2: The Historical Setting of the Second Angel's Message." Review and Herald 128 (November 1,1951): 13-14.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Growth of the Millerite Legend." Church History 21 (December 1952): 296-313.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 1: Miller's Early Life." Review and Herald 121 (February 10,1944): 3-5. Illus.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 10: Millerites Hold General Conferences." Review and Herald 121 (April 13,1944): 3-4.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 11: Millerism Drafts Nine-point Program of Promotion." Review and Herald 121 (April 20,1944): 4-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 12: Millerism Gains Further Support." Review and Herald 121 (April 27,1944): 3-4,15.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 13: The First Millerite Camp Meeting." Review and Herald 121 (May 4,1944): 5-6,12.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 14: Millerite Activity Expands in 1842." Review and Herald 121 (May 11,1944): 4-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 15: The Great Newark Camp Meeting - November, 1842." Review and Herald 121 (May 18,1944): 4-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 16: The Fateful Year, 1843, Approaches." Review and Herald 121 (May 25,1944): 2-4.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 17: The Year of the End of the World Begins." Review and Herald 121 (June 1,1944): 5-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 18: Millerism Quickens Tempo as Summer of 1843 Comes On." Review and Herald 121 (June 8,1944): 3-4.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 19: The Second Angel's Message Begins to Sound." Review and Herald 121 (June 15,1944): 8-9.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 2: Miller as a Captain of Infantry." Review and Herald 121 (February 17,1944): 4-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 20: Miller at Home - Increased Publicity." Review and Herald 121 (June 22,1944): 4-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 21: Advent Teachings Spread Overseas." Review and Herald 121 (June 29,1944): 5-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 22: Series of Conventions in Large Cities Early in 1844." Review and Herald 121 (July 6,1944): 3,23.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 23: Problems Arising From Preaching Second Angel's Message." Review and Herald 121 (July 13,1944): 8-9.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 24: The First Disappointment in the Spring of 1844." Review and Herald 121 (July 20,1944): 3-4.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 25: Miller's Associates - Courageous Individualists." Review and Herald 121 (July 27,1944): 6-8.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 26: Bates, a Millerite Leader." Review and Herald 121 (August 3,1944): 4-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 27: Fitch, Litch, and Other Millerite Leaders." Review and Herald 121 (August 10,1944): 5-7.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 28: Further Sketches of Millerite Spokesmen." Review and Herald 121 (August 17,1944): 3-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 29: The Summer of 1844 Begins." Review and Herald 121 (August 24,1944): 3-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 3: Miller Becomes a Christian." Review and Herald 121 (February 24,1944): 6-7,15.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 30: The Seventh-Month Movement." Review and Herald 121 (August 31,1944): 4-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 31: Newspapers Describe Millerite Meetings." Review and Herald 121 (September 7,1944): 5-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 32: Millerites Hold Decorous Meetings as End Expected." Review and Herald 121 (September 14,1944): 3-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 33: Final Spiritual Preparations for Expected Advent." Review and Herald 121 (September 21,1944): 4-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 34: Millerites Close Worldly Activities." Review and Herald 121 (September 28,1944): 4-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 35: The Great Day of Hope Arrives." Review and Herald 121 (October 12,1944): 3-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 36: The Shock of Disappointment." Review and Herald 121 (November 9,1944): 3-4.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 37: Aid to the Needy Millerites." Review and Herald 121 (November 16,1944): 2-3.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 38: Millerite Leaders Turn on Their Accusers." Review and Herald 121 (November 23,1944): 4-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 39: The Millerites Make a Public Statement." Review and Herald 121 (December 7,1944): 6,16.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 4: Miller Fixes on Date for Advent." Review and Herald 121 (March 2,1944): 3-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 40: Millerite Leaders Counsel a Middle Course." Review and Herald 121 (December 14,1944): 3-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 41: Millerite Ministers Offer Comments on Setting Definite Time." Review and Herald 121 (December 21,1944): 4,19.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 42: The Last Days of Millerism." Review and Herald 121 (December 28,1944): 4-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 43: The Last Great Conference of the Millerites." Review and Herald 122 (January 4,1945): 4-5.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 44: Miller's Last Days." Review and Herald 122 (January 11,1945): 3-4.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 5: Miller Preaches His First Sermon." Review and Herald 121 (March 9,1944): 4-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 6: Miller Receives a License." Review and Herald 121 (March 16,1944): 6-8.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 7: Preachers as Well as Laymen Accept Miller's Views." Review and Herald 121 (March 23,1944): 3-4.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 8: Miller Completes Nine Years of Preaching." Review and Herald 121 (March 30,1944): 4-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "The Historical Background of Seventh-day Adventism - Part 9: Millerism Begins Its Rapid Expansion." Review and Herald 121 (April 6,1944): 4-6.

Nichol, Francis D. "Origin and Prophetic Connections of Seventh-day Adventists." Ministry 17 (September 1944, Extra): 2-8. "Are we related to the Millerites? An answer from original sources."

Nichol, Francis D. "Phantoms in Ascension Robes." Christian Herald 77 (October 1954): 29-30,36-38,40.

Nichol, Francis D. "Pine Knots Light the Way: A Sketch of William Miller Before He Stepped on the Rostrum." Youth's Instructor 92 (October 17,1944): 5,33.

Nichol, Francis D. "Reviving the Advent Faith and Fervor: Ten Lessons From the Past." Ministry 18 (January Extra, 1945): 1-8.

Nichol, Francis D. "A Sketch of Early Adventist History." Review and Herald 128 (October 25,1951): 11-12.

Nichol, Francis D. "A Slander That Should Die: The Amazing Story of the Maligning of Early Adventists." These Times 65 (January 1956): 12-15.

Nichol, Francis D. "Were the Advent Pioneers Fanatics?" Review and Herald 132 (April 7,1955): 9. Series is a response to E. B. Jones.

Nichol, Francis D. "Were the Advent Pioneers Fanatics?" Signs of the Times 82 (September 13,1955): 7,15. A four-part series answering charges made by E. B. Jones in "Sunday School Times" in early part 1954.

Nichol, Francis D. "Were the Advent Pioneers Fanatics? - 2: Does the Advent Hope Breed Fanaticism?" Review and Herald 132 (April 14,1955): 8-9.

Nichol, Francis D. "Were the Advent Pioneers Fanatics? - 3: Did the Advent Pioneers Wear Ascension Robes?" Review and Herald 132 (April 21,1955): 16-17,26.

Nichol, Francis D. "Were the Advent Pioneers Fanatics? - 4: Are Adventists Time Setters?" Review and Herald 132 (April 28,1955): 8-9.

Nichol, Francis D. "William Miller Memorial Sermon - 1: 'The Tribunal of Time'." Review and Herald 134 (September 19,1957): 9-10.

Nichol, Francis D. "William Miller Memorial Sermon - 2: A Resolute Remnant of Millerism." Review and Herald 134 (September 26,1957): 9-10.

Nichol, Francis D. "William Miller Memorial Sermon - 3: Two Glittering Notions Bloom and Fade." Review and Herald 134 (October 3,1957): 8-9.

Nichol, Francis D. "William Miller Memorial Sermon - 4: We Accept the Judgment of Time." Review and Herald 134 (October 10,1957): 7-8.

Nix, James. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844." Adventist Review 171 (January 27,1994): 10.

Nix, James. "Why So Many AHP Projects?" AHP Bulletin 5 (Winter 1992): 1. "Miller Farm." A short paragraph.

Nix, James. "The William Miller Farm: Birthplace of the Adventist Movement in America." Adventist Heritage 15 (Fall 1992): 18-24. Illus.

Nix, James. "William Miller Farm Update." AHP Bulletin 5 (Winter 1992): 3. Illus.

Nix, James, compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844." Adventist Review 171 (January 6,1994): 19. Portions of an article by Sylvester Bliss, "Signs of the Times," January 3,1844, p.164.

Nix, James, compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844." Adventist Review 171 (January 27,1994): 10. Preparations and excitement over the approach of March 21,1844.

Nix, James, compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844." Adventist Review 171 (February 17,1994): 20. William Miller's experience with a phrenologist.

Nix, James R. "Adventists Seek to Restore Miller Farm by 1994." Adventist Review 169 (July 2,1992): 21-22.

Nix, James R. "Father of American Adventism." Adventist Review 164 (June 11,1987): 11.

Nix, James R. "Give Me Jesus: The Forgotten Side of William Miller." Adventist Review 171 (January 6,1994): 12-14.

Nix, James R. "Joshua Himes: Miller's Doorman." Adventist Review 166 (November 9,1989): 17.

Nix, James R. "The Millerite 'Great Tent'." Adventist Review 161 (August 16,1984): 10.

Nix, James R. "'O, When Shall I See Jesus?': The Earliest Adventists Recall the Autumn of 1844." Adventist Review 181 (October 28, 2004): 8-12. Sidebar: "Hymn We Sing", p.13.

Nix, James R. "October 22,1844: Living Through Disappointment Tuesday." Adventist Review 171 (October 6,1994): 4-7.

Nix, James R. "Pathfinders Help Restore William Miller Farm." Adventist Review 166 (March 30,1989): 23. Illus.

Nix, James R. "Rare Documents Discovered in William Miller's House." Adventist Review 164 (July 23,1987): 18-19. Illus.

Nix, James R. "Still Looking." Adventist Review 171 (November 17,1994): 10-11.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the year 1844: Back to Work." Adventist Review 171 (June 30,1994): 19.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Confident in Christ." Adventist Review 171 (June 23,1994): 19. Josiah Litch and William Miller.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Do As I Have Done to You." Adventist Review 171 (August 25,1994): 19. Foot washing at a Millerite camp meeting held at Grafton, Vermont.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Millerism - With an Accent." Adventist Review 171 (August 4,1994): 22. Millerism in England.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: More Present Truth." Adventist Review 171 (September 22,1994): 15. George Storrs and conditionalism, the seventh-day Sabbath, and baptism by immersion.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: One Man, Two Stories." Adventist Review 171 (July 14,1994): 15. Death of Elder Levi F. Stockman.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Ten, Nine...." Adventist Review 171 (October 13,1994): 21. The more prominent leaders of the millerite movement slow to finally accept the October 22 date.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: The Countdown Begins." Adventist Review 171 (September 8,1994): 18.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: The Right to Remain Silent." Adventist Review 171 (August 11,1994): 21.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: The Upward Way." Adventist Review 171 (September 15,1944): 9.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: When Camp Meeting Was King." Adventist Review 171 (August 18,1994): 20.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Where to Wait?" Adventist Review 171 (September 29,1994): 22. Joshua Himes cancels his plans for going to England.

Nix, James R. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing." Adventist Review 171 (July 28,1944): 10. About M. Hull Barton.

Nix, James R. "A Word From the President." AHP Bulletin 6 (March-June 1993): 3-4. Work that needs to be done on the William Miller home. Illus.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844." Adventist Review 171 (January 20,1994): 17. A notice, "Death of a Humbug," that appeared in the January 6,1844 issue of the Gospel Banner from Augusta, Maine. Other examples of ridiculing the Millerites are cited.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844." Adventist Review 171 (February 24,1994): 19. About Levi Stockman and his ecclesiastical trial in the Methodist Episcopal Church for preaching Millerism.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844." Adventist Review 171 (March 17,1994): 20. William Miller, Joshua V. Himes, and Josiah Litch in Washington, DC.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Back to the Bible." Adventist Review 171 (June 2,1994): 20.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Jesus Expected in One Month." Adventist Review 171 (March 3,1994): 24.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: March 1844." Adventist Review 171 (March 10,1994): 14.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Not Disillusioned." Adventist Review 171 (April 14,1994): 18.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: Pioneers in Petticoats." Adventist Review 171 (June 9,1994): 14. Clorinda S. Minor and her Millerite paper, "The Advent Message to the Daughters of Zion."

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: The Tarrying Time." Adventist Review 171 (May 19,1994): 11.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: To See the Saviour." Adventist Review 171 (April 7,1994): 19. Portions of letters from Joshua V. Himes and William Miller that appeared in the Millerite publication "Midnight Cry." Illus.

Nix, James R., compiler. "The Way It Was: Reliving the Year 1844: When 1843 Became 1844." Adventist Review 171 (April 21,1994): 22.

Noll, Mark A. Book review of "The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century," edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler. American Historical Review 94 (April 1989): 519.

Numbers, Ronald L. "Religious Insanity: History of a Diagnosis." Second Opinion 3 (1986): 52-77.

Numbers, Ronald L. and Janet S. Numbers. "Millerism and Madness: A Study of 'Religious Insanity' in Nineteenth-Century America." Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic 49 (July 1985): 289-320.

"October 22,1994 Set as Date for Restoration of William Miller Farmhouse." AHP Bulletin 5 (Spring 1992): 1. Illus.

"October 22 Commemoration: Vignettes of Hope." Adventist Review 171 (December 1994): 20-22. Illus.

Oliver, Frank L. "A Descendant of William Miller." Review and Herald 110 (November 30,1933): 21. John J. Miller, grandson of William Miller, a Seventh-day Adventist from Richland, WA.

Olsen, Mahlon E. "October 22 Came and Went." Signs of the Times 50 (July 24,1923): 11,14-15. Photos of Miller chapel and tombstone.

Olsen, Mahlon E. "When Men Prepared for Christ to Come in 1844." Signs of the Times 50 (July 17,1923): 2-4 . Illus. Includes photo of Miller home.

Olson, H. O. "The Great Second Advent Movement." Signs of the Times 71 (October 24,1944): 4-5,14. Photo of Miller's home in Low Hampton, NY.

Parrish, John. "Miller Family Shares Artifacts." Adventist Review 156 (June 28,1979): 19-20. William P. Humphrey, great-great-grandson of William Miller. Illus.

Patrick, Arthur. "Revisiting Millerism." Record (South Pacific Division) 99 (April 23,1994): 8-9. Illus.

Patt, Jack Michael. "The Millerite Awakening and the Great Disappointment of 1844." Indian Journal of American Studies 3 (June 1973): 71-82.

Patzer, A. J. "William Miller Chapel Annual Meeting." Review and Herald 150 (November 8,1973): 1,18. Illus. Note, p.3.

Pearson, Walter L., Jr. "Bound for Glory." Adventist Review 171 (December 1994): 8-10. Blacks in the Millerite movement.

Pendleton, David. "Putting the Millerites in Context." Adventist Heritage 16 (Spring 1995): 40-41. A book review of "The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century," edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler, 1992 edition.

Pritchard, Linda. "The Burned-over District Reconsidered." Social Science History 8 (Summer 1984): 243-265.

"Progress Reports for 1996: Miller Farm." AHM Bulletin 9 (December 1996): 3. Illus.

Rayburn, Carole. "Women Heralds of 'The Advent Near'." Adventist Heritage 17 (No.2,1997): 11-21. Illus.

Rees, M. "In Memory of William Miller." Review and Herald 137 (October 20,1960): 18. Has picture of Mrs. Ella Adams, granddaughter of William Miller.

Reid, George W. "From Despair to Destiny." Ministry 55 (April 1982): 10-11. SDA roots are in Millerite movement.

"Reviewers Admit Evidence Disproves Charges: The Matter of Charges of Fanaticism Against the Millerites." Ministry 19 (June 1946): 7-9. Reviews of F. D. Nichol's book, "The Midnight Cry."

Ricchiuti, Paul B. "The End-of-the World Man." Signs of the Times 102 (November 1975): 18-21. Illus.

"The Rise and Progress of Adventism." Review and Herald 8 (April 24,1856): 9-11.

"The Rise and Progress of Adventism." Review and Herald 8 (May 1,1856): 17-19.

"The Rise and Progress of Adventism." Review and Herald 8 (May 8,1856): 25-27.

"The Rise and Progress of Adventism." Review and Herald 8 (May 15,1856): 34-35.

"The Rise and Progress of Adventism." Review and Herald 8 (May 29,1856): 42-43.

Ritz, Arthur. "Why Was October 22 Chosen As the Day for Christ to Come in 1844?" Gathering Call 28 (May-June 1940): 9-14. Influence of Karaite Jews. Critical.

Rowe, David L. "Comets and Eclipses: The Millerites, Nature and the Apocalypse." Adventist Heritage 3 (Winter 1976): 10-19. Illus.

Rowe, David L. "Elon Galusha and the Millerite Movement." Foundations 18 (July-September 1975): 252-260.

Rowe, David L. "A New Perspective on the Burned-Over District: The Millerites in Upstate New York." Church History 47 (December 1978): 408-420.

Russell, C. A. "Three Leaders: Himes, Litch, and Fitch." Church Officers' Gazette 31 (February 1944): 6-7.

Russell, C. A. "William Miller - Pioneer." Church Officers' Gazette 31 (January 1944): 13-14.

Sampson, Emily Walter. "'More Than Any Man Has Ever Done':Julia Smith's Search for the Meaning of God's Word." Bible Review 14 (April 1998): 40-45,54-55. Illus. Smith, a believer in Miller's prophecies, attributed the failure of his prophecies to inadequate translation of the Bible, so translated the Bible herself.

Schaefer, Bradley E. "Comets That Changed the World." Sky & Telescope 93 (May 1997): 46-51. ("The Millerite Comet," pp.49,50).

Scharnhorst, Gary. "1844 in Great American Literature: Millerites and Apocalyptic Expectation As a Part of the Canon of American Culture." Spectrum 24 (October 1994): 28-41. Reprinted from the "American Quarterly," Volume 32, Spring 1980.

Scharnhorst, Gary. "Images of the Millerites in American Literature." American Quarterly 32 (Spring 1980): 19-36.

Scharnhorst, Gary. "Mark Twain and the Millerites: Notes on 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court'." ATQ (American Transcendental Quarterly) 3 (No.3,1971): 297-304.

Schoepflin, Rennie B. "Millerite Studies Come of Age." Forum (October 1984) 3-4. Insert in October 1984 issue of "Spectrum." A report on a conference in Rutland, VT, June 1&2, 1984.

Schuberth, Otto. "Two Leaders in the Advent Movement - Himes and Litch." Church Officers' Gazette 31 (February 1944): 3.

"Second Archaeology Dig Planned at Miller Farm." AHP Bulletin 4 (Spring 1991): 2.

"The Seventh Month Movement." Review and Herald 10 (August 27,1857): 129-130. Article taken from Advent Shield, January 1845.

"The Seventh Month Movement." Review and Herald 10 (September 3,1857): 137-138.

"The Seventh Month Movement." Review and Herald 10 (September 10,1857): 145-146.

Shelley, Bruce. "The Great Disappointment." Christian History 18 (No.1,1999): 31-33. Illus. "When a New York farmer announced the date of Jesus' return, thousands of Americans believed him."

Smith, Helen F. "Commemorative Service at William Miller Chapel." Australasian Record 59 (December 12,1955): 11. Photo.

Smith, Leon A. "A Descendant of William Miller." Review and Herald 108 (July 30,1931): 12. Mrs. C. A. Benway of Los Angeles, a great-grandaughter of William Miller.

Smith, Uriah. "Former Things." RH 80 (January 13,1903): 3-4. Relates an incident of mob violence to a Millerite group in Fitchburg, MA, 21 October 1844. Smith was present.

Snow, Samuel S. "The 7th Month: A Prophetic Chronology." Lest We Forget 3 (Second Quarter, 1993): 3. Reprinted from "The Midnight Cry," September 19,1844, p.87.

Solberg, Winton U. Book review of "The Miller Heresy, Millennialism, and American Culture," by Ruth Alden Doan. American Historical Review 94 (April 1989): 519-520.

Spalding, Arthur W. "The Charge of '44." Signs Magazine 9 (October 1917): 19-20,22,23.

Spalding, Arthur W. "Having the Everlasting Gospel, Part 6: Charting the Course." Youth's Instructor 92 (April 4,1944): 5,13. About Charles Fitch.

Spaulding, A. W. "William Miller." Youth's Instructor 59 (February 7,1911): 11-13.

Spaulding, A. W. "William Miller." Youth's Instructor 59 (March 14,1911): 11-12.

Spicer, W. A. "As a Man of 1844 Viewed Our Work." Review and Herald 126 (April 7,1949): 6. About Joshua V. Himes.

Spicer, W. A. "Child Preachers in Sweden in 1843-44." Review and Herald 122 (December 13,1945): 6.

Spicer, W. A. "How We Early Developed Efficient Organization." Review and Herald 124 (May 1,1947): 4. Contacts with Joshua V. Himes in later years.

Staples, Russell L. "Understanding Adventism." Ministry 66 (September 1993): 19-23. "The Millerite Experience," pp.19-20.

Stein, Stephen J. Book review of "William Miller and the Advent Crisis," by Everett N. Dick. Church History 65 (June 1996): 291-292.

Steinweg, Marlene. "Action and on a Large Scale and Without Delay - That Was the Spirit of Joshua V. Himes." Lest We Forget 2 (Fourth Quarter, 1992): 4-6. Illus. Includes a "Time Line" of his life.

Steinweg, Marlene. "Behold!" Lest We Forget 3 (Second Quarter, 1993): 1,7. Samuel S. Snow and his prophetic chronology of the seventh month.

Steinweg, Marlene. "Charles Fitch 1805-1844: 'The Man of the Chart'." Lest We Forget 2 (Third Quarter, 1992): 4-6. Fitch and Apollos Hale created the 1843 chart on the prophecies of Daniel that was used by Millerite preachers.

Steinweg, Marlene. "The Rise and Fall of Josiah Litch." Lest We Forget 3 (Fourth Quarter, 1993): 4-6. Illus. Includes a "Time Line" of his life.

Steinweg, Marlene. "Samuel S. Snow, 1806-1870: Modern Elijah?" Lest We Forget 3 (Second Quarter, 1993): 4-6. Includes a 'Time Line" of his life.

Steinweg, Marlene. "The Triumvirate Leadership." Lest We Forget 3 (Fourth Quarter, 1993): 3. William Miller, Joshua V. Himes, and Josiah Litch.

Steinweg, Marlene. "Zerviah Fitch." Lest We Forget 2 (Third Quarter, 1992): 2. Wife of Charles Fitch, Millerite preacher.

Stone, Simon. "The Miller Delusion: A Comparative Study in Mass Psychology." American Journal of Psychiatry 91 (1934): 593-623.

Stone, Simon. "Psychiatry in New Hampshire: The First Hundred Years." New England Journal of Medicine 228 (May 13,1943): 595-605. See esp. pp.596-597.

Strayer, Brian E. "A Colorful Patchwork Quilt." Adventist Heritage 18 (Summer 1998): 25,36. Review of the video, "The Midnight Cry," Lathika International Film and Entertainment, 1994. 102 minutes.

Strayer, Brian E. Book review of "Millennial Fever and the End of the World," by George R. Knight. Andrews University Seminary Studies 32 (Autumn 1994): 281-283.

Strayer, Brian E. Book review of "The Urgent Voice: The Story of William Miller," by Robert Gale. Spectrum 8 (September 1976): 49-50.

Strayer, Brian E. "William Miller's Helpers." Adventist Review 171 (July 28,1994): 8-10. Illus.

"Suggest Stamp Commemorating Advent Pioneer." Pacific Union Recorder 80 (November 24,1980): 1,2.

Supensky, James. "When the Millerites Came to My Hometown." Adventist Review 170 (February 4,1993): 18-19. Dayton, Ohio.

Swanson, Gary B. "Something You Didn't Know About William Miller." Insight 10 (9 October 1979): 8-9. An overview of the End of the World, by Edward Eggleston, 19th century novelist.

Tarr, A. F. "Meditations on a Sabbath in William Miller's Church." Review and Herald 142 (November 18,1965): 6-8. Photo of Miller chapel.

Taylor, J. H. "More Confirmation of the October 22nd Blunder." Gathering Call 26 (November-December 1938): 26. Author is secretary to Chief Rabbi in England. Critical.

Teel, Charles, Jr. "'Bridegroom Cry' or 'Babylon Call'?: The Millerites - Mainstreamers or Marginals?" Journal of Adventist Education 57 (October/November 1994): 23-29. Illus. Portion of an article in "Adventist Heritage," Spring 1986 issue.

Teel, Charles, Jr. "Bridegroom or Babylon? Dragon or Lamb?: Nineteenth-Century Adventists and the American Mainstream." Adventist Heritage 11 (Spring 1986): 13-25. "The Millerite Adventists as Insiders/Outsiders," pp.13-21. Illus.

Teel, Charles, Jr . "The Millerite Experience: Shared Symbols Informing Timely Riddles?" Adventist Heritage 16 (Spring 1995): 4-8. Illus.

Thomas, Jean, editor. "How We Began 150 Years Ago, And Where We Are Today." Record (Southwestern Union) 93 (October 1994): 2-8. Illus.

Thomas, N. Gordon. "The Millerite Movement in Ohio." Ohio History 81 (Spring 1972): 95-107.

Thomas, N. Gordon. "Our Millennial Heritage." Ministry 45 (January 1972): 29-31. Illus.

Thomas, N. Gordon. "The Second Coming: A Major Impulse of American Protestantism." Adventist Heritage 3 (Winter 1976): 3-9. William Miller briefly discussed.

Thomas, N. Gordon. Book review of "Thunder and Trumpets: Millerites and Dissenting Religion in Upstate New York," by David L. Rowe. Journal of Church and State 29 (Autumn 1987): 541-542.

Thurber, Merwin R. "Discovered: A Manuscript Letter From William Miller." Review and Herald 153 (April 15,1976): 4-6.

Thurber, Merwin R. "Discovered: A Manuscript Letter From William Miller - 2: The Atonement in Type and Antitype." Review and Herald 153 (April 22,1976): 8-9.

Toomey, R. "Gabriel, Blow That Horn!" American Mercury 55 (November 1942): 600-605.

Underwood, Grant. "Apocalyptic Adversaries: Mormonism Meets Millerism." John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 7 (1987): 53-61.

"Visiting the Miller Chapel." Adventist Review 161 (November 8,1984): 23.

"Voices Out of the Silence: Luther Boutelle and Hiram Edson Remember October 22,1844, and the Days That Followed." Spectrum 24 (October 1994): 18-23. Reprinted from the appendix to "The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century," edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler.

"Volunteers Refurbish William Miller Home." Adventist Review 170 (August 12, 1993): 7. Illus.

Voorheis, Alice. "Reflections...." AHP Bulletin 5 (Winter 1992): 4-5. Illus. Author is a volunteer caretaker at the William Miller farm.

Voorheis, Alice. "Volunteers Give William Miller Home a Face-Lift." AHP Bulletin 6 (March-June 1993): 1-2. Illus.

Voorheis, Alice, editor. "Interest Grows in Readying Miller Farm for October Weekend." AHM Bulletin 7 (June 1994): 1.

Voorheis, Alice, editor. "Sesquicentennial Highlights." AHM Bulletin 7 (June 1994): 4.

Voorheis, Alice, editor. "William Miller Home Placed on Historic Registry List." AHM Bulletin 7 (June 1994): 7.

Voorheis, Alice, editor. "Workbee '94: June 8-16." AHM Bulletin 7 (June 1994): 4.

Voorheis, Alice R. "Miller Farm Identified." Adventist Heritage Ministry Bulletin 18 (Winter 2005): 2. Illus. New sign for the Miller home.

Voorheis, Alice R. "William Miller Home Receives Historic Preservation Award." Adventist Heritage Ministry Bulletin 15 (Summer 2002): 4. Illus.

Ward, Phil. "William Miller." Australasian Record 82 (February 28,1977): 3,13. A 10-question quiz about Miller with answers.

Warner, Madeline. "The Changing Image of the Millerites in the Western Massachusetts Press." Adventist Heritage 2 (Summer 1975): 5-7. Illus.

Watts, Kit. "Pathfinders Spend Nine Days Sprucing Up William Miller's Home." Pacific Union Recorder 97 (September 1,1997): 10-11. Illus.

Weber, Timothy P. Book review of "The Miller Heresy, Millennialism, and American Culture," by Ruth Alden Doan. Church History 58 (June 1989): 249-250.

Weber, Timothy P. "Reassessing Adventism." Evangelical Studies Bulletin 5 (November 1988): 1-4. Review of two books: "The Miller Heresy, Millenialism, and American Culture," by Ruth Alden Doan, and "The Disappointed: Millerism and Millenarianism in the Nineteenth Century," edited by Ronald L. Numbers and Jonathan M. Butler.

Wehr, Jeff. "The Best Man Available." Our Firm Foundation 14 (Febuary 1999): 22-26. Illus. William Miller.

Wellman, Judith. "Crossing Over Cross: Whitney Cross's 'Burned-Over District' as Social History." Reviews in American History 17 (March 1989): 159-174. Cross's book has a chapter on the Millerite movement.

Wellman, Thelma M. "Reliving the Days of 1844." Ministry 18 (January 1945): 23-25.

Wheeler, Barbara G. "The End Shall Be." Spectrum 29 (Autumn 2001): 5-8. Photos of ascension rock on page 4 and in article.

White, James. "The Life of Wm. Miller." Signs of the Times 6 (February 26,1880): 60.

Whittier, John Greenleaf. "The World's End." Adventist Heritage 1 (July 1974): 14-17. Illus.

Wilcox, Francis M. "The Advent Movement of 1840-44; The Extent of the Movement and the Fruit Borne." Review and Herald 101 (April 24,1924): 3-4.

Wilcox, Francis M. "The Aftermath of the 1840-44 Movement." Review and Herald 101 (May 8,1924): 9-10.

Wilcox, Francis M. "The Second Advent Movement of 1840-44; Fanaticism and the Ascension Robe Myth." Review and Herald 101 (May 1,1924): 3-4.

"William Miller Dig Set." Adventist Review 167 (January 18,1990): 6. Archaeological investigation of the William Miller farmstead 11-27 June 1990.

"William Miller Memorial Day." Atlantic Union Gleaner 82 (October 11,1983): 2-4. Illus. See also front cover for color photos.

"William Miller's Dream." Lest We Forget 1 (Second Quarter, 1991): 1,2,8.

"William Miller's Rules of Bible Interpretation." Lest We Forget 1 (Second Quarter, 1991): 3,6.

Wright, D. E. "Early Pioneers in New York State." Atlantic Union Gleaner 84 (March 26,1985): 2-3. A vignette on William Miller and his chapel. Illus.

"Write the Vision: Comments on the 1843 Chart." Lest We Forget 2 (Third Quarter, 1992): 7-8.

Young, Norman H. "Fixed Times and Changing Events." Record 99 (November 19,1994): 8-9.

"Your Donations Are Making a Difference at the William Miller Farm." AHP Bulletin 4 (Spring 1991): 3. Illus.

Misc Sources

Baldwin, Dalton D. "Development of Seventh-day Adventist Interpretations: The Use of the Word 'Atonement'." Paper presented to Daniel and Revelation Committee, February 17-20,1984. "Millerite Atonement," pp.3-14.

Camacho, Harold S. "Hope and Disappointment: The Dynamics of Millerite Second Advent Spirituality and Some Implications for Contemporary Seventh-day Adventism." Student paper. Claremont, CA: School of Theology, May 1,1985. 71p.

Chandler, Timothy J. "Miller and the Millennium: William Miller as Part of the Nineteenth-Century American Millennialist Movement." Student paper for American Studies Department. Salem, OR: Willamette University, 1990.

Coffman, Carl. "The Shut Door." Student paper. Class T511, "Sanctuary." Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, May 1963. Pp.1-28 cover the Millerite period.

Crowe, Alan Frederick. "The Balance of Fear and Joy in the Millerite Movement." Berrien Srings, MI: Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 1979. 34p. Term paper.

Daly, Jerry. "William Miller and Slavery." Student paper for Seminar: "The Coming of the Civil War." Teacher: Dr. G. T. Anderson. Riverside, CA: Loma Linda University, La Sierra Campus, 1 May 1977. 23p.

Damsteegt, P. Gerard. The Historical Development of the Sanctuary Doctrine in Early Adventist Thought. S.L.: s.n., 1982. "The Sanctuary Concepts Within the Millerite Movement," pp.5-15.

Fleming, Thomas J. "William Miller and the Second Advent Doctrine." Senior Thesis for Class: "American Studies 99." Waltham, MA: Brandeis University, 1975. 149p.

Ford, John Kenneth. "Highlights of the Midnight Cry: February Through April, 1844." Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 1979. 19p. Term paper.

Graf, Helmut. "The Millerite Movement and Ellen G. White." Bracknell, Berkshire, England: Newbold College, 1979. 52p. Research paper.

Hatch, Nathan O. "Spreading the Millerite Message: Some Preliminary Thoughts." 14p. Unpublished paper presented at the conference on "Millerism and the Millenarian Mind in 19th-Century America," Killington, Vermont, June 1,1984.

Hortop, Kerry Hunter. "A Comparison of William Miller and Seventh-day Adventist Interpretations of the Seals and Trumpets of Revelation." Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 1977. 44p. Term paper.

Judd, Wayne. "From Eumenists to Come-outers: The Millerites: 1831-1845." Graduate school student paper. 15 June 1979. 25p.

Judd, Wayne. "Millerism and Social Reform: An Historical Paradox." Graduate school student paper. 8 June 1979. 39p.

Knott, Ron. "A Study of Popular and Scholarly Response to Clara Endicott Sears' Book 'Days of Delusion'." Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 1990. 35p. Term paper.

Kobeski, Jan. "The Millerites: An Examination of Press Attitudes Toward the Adventist Movement of the 1840's." Student paper. Syracuse University, April 25,1978. 25p.

Kongari, Ashley Stanley. "The Forces Behind Millerite Separatism." Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, School of Graduate Studies, 1983. 48p. M. A. project report.

Mayer, Richard. "The Millenarian Movement in England During the Years 1800-1845." Paper for Doctoral Seminar in European History, May 24,1976. 67p.

McGarrell, Roy I. "William Miller's Interpretation of the Second Advent Based on Daniel 2,7, and 8." Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, School of Graduate Studies, 1984. 24p. Term paper.

The Midnight Cry! William Miller and the End of the World. Boise, ID: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1994. 102 minute videocassette.

Moon, Jerry. "Josiah Litch: Herald of 'The Advent Near'." Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary, May 1973. 53p.

Patrick, Arthur N. "Charles Fitch, Hiram Edson and the Raison d'etre of the Seventh-day Adventist Church." Student paper. Classes: CH570,597,600. "History of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Individual Research, and Problems in Church History." Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 1971. Covers the Millerite experiences of these two men, especially Charles Fitch.

Patrick, Arthur N. "The Christology of William Miller." Student Paper. Class: T600, "Problems in Theology." Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, School of Graduate Studies, August 1972. 34p.

Porter, Dennis S. "A Note on the Recent Historiography of the Millerite Movement." Unpublished paper. 19p.

Rayburn, Carole Ann. "Women in Millerism, 1820-1870." Student paper. Class: CHIS574, "Development of Seventh-day Adventist Theology." Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, SDA Theological Seminary, Fall 1979. 129p.

Teel, Charles, Jr. "Bridegroom or Babylon? Dragon or Lamb? Adventists and Nineteenth-Century Reform Movements." Unpublished paper. Summer 1983. 26p.

Voorheis, Arl and Alice. Glimpses of 1844. Apopka, FL: Adventist Heritage Ministry, n.d, 22p.

William Miller Chapel, Low Hampton, New York. Brochure.

The William Miller Farm: "Birthplace of the Adventist Movement in America. Battle Creek, MI: Adventist Historic Properties, n.d. 4p.

The William Miller Home and Farm. Brochure. Battle Creek, MI: Adventist Historic Properties, Inc., n.d.

The Church at Washington, New Hampshire: Discovering the Roots of Adventism. Silver Spring, MD: Ellen G. White Estate, 2002. 35 minute videocassette. Contains a section on the Millerites.

Web URLs

The 1844 Exaggeration. 5p. Critical of Millerite movement.

1844 - Is it Prophetic? 3p. Critical.

The 2300-Day Prophecy. 5p. Critical.

Days of Delusion - A Strange Bit of History, by Clara Endicott Sears, 1924 (Entire Book)

Evidence From Scripture and History of the Second Coming of Christ About the year 1843, by William Miller

The Fruit of the 1844 Movement: Newspaper Articles About October 22, 1844. 2p. Critical.

The Karaites & 1844 (Defense of Millerite Position)

Miller Overthrown: On the False Prophet Confounded, 1840

Millerites Not Comet Kooks, by Larry Kirkpatrick

A Review of Seventh-day Adventism and Its Roots, by Larry Christoffel (Millerites, pp. 1-5).

Sanders, Robert K. "Day of Atonement of the Karaite Jews in 1844." 5p. Critical.

Sanders, Robert K. "When Was the 'Day of Atonement in 1844'?" 6p. Critical.

Sketches of the Christian Life and Public Labors of William Miller, by James White

Time Proved in Fifteen Different Ways, by William Miller's_Time%20_Proved_15_Ways.htm

Views of the Prophecies and Prophetic Chronology, Selected From Manuscripts of William Miller With a Memoir of His Life, by Joshua V. Himes, Boston, 1841

Walter Scott's "The Millerites" (From Protestant Unionist, Volume 3, June 23, 1847)

Was the 1844 Movement of God?: Facts About 1844 You May Not Have Known. 6p. Critical.

What is Karaism?

What Really Happened in 1844? 11p. Critical.

William Miller Farm

William Miller's Hermeneutical Rules

William Miller: Was He Really a Great Reformer? 3p. Critical of Miller.

Theses & Dissertations

Arthur, David T. "Joshua V. Himes and the Cause of Adventism, 1839-1845." M.A. thesis. University of Chicago, 1961. 175p.

Arthur, David Tallmadge. "'Come Out of Babylon': A Study of Millerite Separatism and Denominationalism, 1840-1865." Ph.D. dissertation. University of Rochester, 1970. 391p. 2 volumes.

Bean, Raymond Joseph. "The Influence of William Miller in the History of American Christianity." Th.D. dissertation. Boston University, 1949. 175p.

Black, Stephen Richard. "The Quest for Millennium: The Millerites and Apocalyptic Thought in Mid-Nineteenth Century America." B.A. thesis. University of Southern Mississippi, 1997. 59p.

Bullock, Steven Conrad. "The Ancient and Honorable Society: Freemasonry in America, 1730-1830." Ph.D. dissertation. Brown University, 1986. William Miller was a Mason during part of this time period.

Burchfield, Lee Swafford. "Adventist Religious Experience, 1816-1868: A Comparison of William Miller and Ellen White." Ph.D. dissertation. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1996. 184p.

Damsteegt, Pieter Gerardus. "Toward The Theology of Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church." Doctoral dissertation. Free University, the Netherlands, 1977. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1977. Millerites discussed, pp.16-100,104-115.

Dean, David Arnold. "Echoes of the Midnight Cry: The Millerite Heritage in the Apologetics of the Advent Christian Denomination, 1860-1960." Doctor of Theology dissertation. Westminster Theological Seminary, 1976. 522p.

Dick, Everett N. "The Adventist Crisis of 1843-1844." Ph.D. dissertation. University of Wisconsin, 1930. 239p.

Doan, Ruth A. "The Miller Heresy, Millennialism and American Culture." Ph.D. dissertation. Univ. of North Carolina, 1984. 288p.

Dunton, Hugh Ivor Brian. "The Millerite Adventists and Other Millenarian Groups in Great Britain, 1830-1860." Doctor of Philosophy thesis. University of London, 1984. 408p.

Graf, Helmut. "The Millerite Movement and Ellen G. White." Independent Study project. Bracknell, Berkshire, England: Newbold College, 1979. 52p.

Harkness, Reuben E. E. "Social Origins of the Millerite Movement." Ph.D. dissertation. University of Chicago, 1927. 148p.

Levandowski, John. "The Midnight Cry." M.A.L.S. thesis. Wesleyan University, 1986. 69p.

Nelson, Nathan A. "The Battle for Antebellum Evangelical America: William Miller and the Adventist Crusade." M.A. thesis. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1996. 153p.

Olson, Robert W. "Southern Baptists' Reactions to Millerism." Doctor of Theology dissertation. Fort Worth, TX: Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1972. 240p.

Patrick, Arthur Nelson. "Religion and Society in Colonial Australia: Catholic, Anglican, Wesleyan and Adventist Perspectives in Sydney, 1891-1900." Ph.D. dissertation. New South Wales: The University of Newcastle, 1990. Miller and his movement discussed, pp.237-247.

Perry, Milton Lee. "The Role of the Camp Meeting in Millerite Revivalism, 1842-1844." Ph.D. dissertation. Baylor University, 1994. 379p.

Pöhler, Rolf J. "Change in Seventh-day Adventist Theology: A Study of the Problem of Doctrinal Development." Doctor of Theology dissertation. Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 1995. Millerites discussed, pp.149-155.

Rasmussen, Steen R. "Roots of the Prophetic Hermeneutic of William Miller." M.A. thesis. Bracknell, Berkshire, England: Newbold College/Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University, 1983. 114p.

Rice, Ronald Curt. "A Changing Attitude: Adventism and American Nationalism, 1831-1865." M.A. thesis. Wheaton, IL: Wheaton College, August 1979. 93p.

Rojas, Billy. "The Origins of Millennial Speculation During the 1840's; The Background and Development of the Millerite Movement." M.A. thesis. Chicago: Roosevelt University, 1966. 233p.

Rowe, David Leslie. "Northern Millerites and Virginia Millennialists, 1838-1847." M.A. thesis. University of Virginia, 1972. 46p.

Rowe, David Leslie. "Thunder and Trumpets: The Millerite Movement and Apocalyptic Thought in Upstate New York, 1800-1845." Ph.D. dissertation. University of Virginia, 1974. 372p.

Schomburg, William M. "Check List of Seventh-day Adventist Publications in the United States, 1850-1900, With a Historical Introduction." M.A. thesis. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America, 1972. Millerite movement discussed, pp.9-46.

Steiner, Stanley Junior. "William Miller: His Travels, Disappointments and Faith." M.A. thesis. Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University, 1970. 109p.

Thomas, Nathan Gordon. "The Millerite Movement in the State of Ohio." M.A. thesis. Ohio University, 1957. 62p.

Thomas, Nathan Gordon. "The Second Coming in the Third New England (The Millennial Impulse in Michigan, 1830-1860)." Ph.D. dissertation. Michigan State University, 1967. 184p.

Underwood, Grant Revon. "The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism." Ph.D. dissertation. Los Angeles: UCLA, 1988. Chapter 7, "Apocalyptic Adversaries: Mormonism Meets Millerism," pp.321-352.

Ward, Donal. "Religious Enthusiasm in Vermont, 1761-1847." Ph.D. dissertation. University of Notre Dame, Graduate School, May 1980. Chapter 6, "Behold! The Bridegroom Cometh!," pp.209-262.

Weniger, Charles E. "A Critical Analysis and Appraisal of the Public Address of William Miller, Early American Second Advent Lecturer." Ph.D. dissertation. Univ. of Southern California, May 1948. 462p.

Whalen, Robert Kieran. "Millenarianism and Millennialism in America, 1790-1880." Ph.D. dissertation. State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1972. 328p.

Other Libraries with Sources 

Adventist Heritage Center
James White Library
Andrews University
Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1400
Phn: (269) 471-3274
Fax: (269) 471-6166

Special Collections (Jenks Collection)
Charles B. Phillips Library
Aurora University
347 S. Gladstone
Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 844-5437

Library - Heritage Room
La Sierra University
Riverside, CA 92515
(951) 785-2518 or 785-2382

Dept. of Archives & Special Collections
Del E. Webb Memorial Library
Loma Linda University
Loma Linda, CA 92350
Phn: (909) 824-4942 or 824-4945
Fax: (909) 824-4188

Heritage Room
Nelson Memorial Library
Pacific Union College
Angwin, CA 94508-9705
Phn: (707) 965-6675
Fax: (707) 965-6504



For a comprehensive listing of primary sources from the 19th Century see:

Carner, Vern, Sakae Kubo and Curt Rice. "Bibliographical Essay: Pre-disappointment to 1844." In The Rise of Adventism: Religion and Society in Mid-Nineteenth-Century America. Edited by Edwin S. Gaustad. New York: Harper & Row, 1974. Pp.213-245. Periodicals are covered on pp.303-317. Many are Millerite and anti-Millerite papers.

This present bibliography is intended to cover books, articles, dissertations and theses written in the 20th century about Miller and his movement. However, there are a number of citations for 19th century books and articles.