Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531) His Life and Teachings
Bibliography by Gary Shearer
Reference Librarian
Pacific Union College Library

Updated 06-25-04

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Aland, Kurt. Four Reformers: Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin, Zwingli. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1979. "Ulrich Zwingli," pp.81-96; Bibliography: Ulrich Zwingli, pp.168-170.
BR315 .A4513

Aland, Kurt. A History of Christianity, Volume 2. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986. "The Reformation of Huldreich Zwingli," pp.157-174.
BR145.2 .A413 1985 v.2

Atkinson, James. The Great Light: Luther and Reformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1968. "Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation," pp.129-155.
BR305.2 .A73

Austin, Bill R. Austin's Topical History of Christianity. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1983. "Reform in Switzerland, I. Zwingli and Zürich," pp.252-255.
BR145.2 .A88 1983

Bainton, Roland H. The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. Enlarged edition. Boston: Beacon Press, 1985. Chapter 4, "The Reformed Church: In German Switzerland," pp.77-94.
BR305.2 .B298 1985

Bainton, Roland H. and Eric W. Gritsch. Bibliography of the Continental Reformation: Materials Available in English. Second edition. "Archon Books." Hamden, CT: Shoe String Press, Inc., 1972. "Zwingli," pp.120-123.
Ref. Z7830 .B16 1972

Baker, J. Wayne. "Zwinglianism." In The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, Volume 4. Editor in Chief, Hans J. Hillerbrand. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp.323-327.
Ref. BR302.8 .O93 1996 v.4

Barclay, Alexander. The Protestant Doctrine of the Lord's Supper: A Study in the Eucharistic Teaching of Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin. Glasgow: Jackson, Wylie and Co., 1927. "Zwingli's Teaching on the Lord's Supper in Its Three Periods," Chapters 4-7, pp.41-106.
(Not in PUC library)

Bromiley, Geoffrey W. Historical Theology: An Introduction. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1978. Zwingli, pp.213-217,220,273,276-279,285-291,294,296,300.
BT21.2 .B74

Bromiley, Geoffrey W. "Ulrich Zwingli: Third Man of the Reformation." In Great Leaders of the Christian Church. General editor, John D. Woodbridge. Chicago: Moody Press, 1988. Pp.197-200.
Ref. BR1700.2 .G74 1988

Büsser, Fritz. "In Defence of Zwingli: 1536." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.1-21.
BR345 .P76 1984

Büsser, Fritz. "The Spirituality of Zwingli and Bullinger in the Reformation of Zurich." In Christian Spirituality: High Middle Ages and Reformation. Edited by Jill Raitt. New York: Crossroad, 1987. Pp.300-317.
BV4490 .C4464 1987

Cairns, Earle E. Christianity Through the Centuries. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1981. Chapter 28, "The Reformation in Switzerland," pp.301-314.
BR145.2 .C28 1981

Chadwick, Owen. The Reformation. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1968. Pp.76-80.
BR305.2 .C5

Clark, Dorothy. "Erasmus and Zwingli's 'On the True and False Religion'." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.23-42.
BR345 .P76 1984

Courvoisier, Jaques. Zwingli: A Reformed Theologian. Richmond, VA: John Knox Press, 1963. 101p.
BR345 .C613

Dannenfeldt, Karl H. The Church of the Renaissance and Reformation. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1970. Chapter 5, "Zwingli and the Radical Reformation," pp.62-71.
BR280 .D33

Davies, Rupert E. The Problem of Authority in the Continental Reformers: A Study in Luther, Zwingli, and Calvin. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978. "Zwingli," pp.62-92.
BT88 .D43 1978

Durant, Will. The Story of Civilization, The Reformation. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957. Chapter 18, "Zwingli: The Reformation in Switzerland, 1477-1531," pp.403-414.
CB53 .D85 v.6

Eberhardt, Newman C. A Summary of Catholic History, Modern History. St. Louis: P. Herder Book Company, 1962. Chapter 26, "Swiss Puritanism," pp.171-174. Author is a Catholic scholar.
BX948 .E23 v.2

Elton, Geoffrey Rudolph. Reformation Europe 1517-1559. Second Edition. Malden, MA and Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers, 1999. Zwingli discussed, pp.39-46.
D228 .E4 1999

Estep, William R. Renaissance and Reformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1986. Chapter X, "Zwingli: Humanist Turned Reformer," pp.161-176; Chapter XI, "The Parting of the Ways," pp.177-194.
BR280 .E87 1986

Farner, Oskar. Zwingli the Reformer: His Life and Work. New York: Philosophical Library, 1952. 135p.
BR345 .F295

Ferm, Vergilius. Pictorial History of Protestantism. New york: Philosophical Library, 1957. Ulrich Zwingli, pp.66-71. Wood-cuts, drawings, paintings.
BX4805 .F4

Fisher, George Park. The Reformation. New and revised edition. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. Pp.119-136.
BR305 .F5 1906

Furcha, E. J. "In Defence of the Spirit: Zwingli Authenticates His Reforms (In Sixteenth Century Zurich)." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.43-58.
BR345 . P76 1984

Furcha, Edward J. and H. Wayne Pipkin, editors. Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. 191p.
BR345 .P76 1984

Gäbler, Ulrich. Huldrych Zwingli: His Life and Work. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986. 196p.
BR345 .G2713 1986

Gäbler, Ulrich. "Zwingli in the Year of Decision - 1522." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.59-70.
BR345 .P76 1984

Garside, Charles. Zwingli and the Arts. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1966. 190p.
BR345 .G3 1966

George, Timothy. "The Presuppositions of Zwingli's Baptismal Theology." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.71-87.
BR345 .P76 1984

George, Timothy. Theology of the Reformers. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1988. Chapter 4, "Something Bold for God: Huldrych Zwingli," pp.108-162.
BT27 .G46 1988

González, Justo L. A History of Christian Thought, Volume 3. Nashville and New York: Abingdon Press, 1975. Chapter 3, "Ulrich Zwingli and the Beginning of the Reformed Tradition," pp.63-76.
BT21.2 .G6 v.3

Great Voices of the Reformation: An Anthology. Edited with an Introduction and Commentaries by Harry Emerson Fosdick. New York: Random House, 1952. "Huldreich Zwingli," pp.153-192. Extracts from "On True and False Religion" and "An Account of the Faith."
BX4801 .F6

Grimm, Harold J. The Reformation Era, 1500-1650. New York: Macmillan Co, 1954. Pp.178-191. About Zwinglianism.
BR305 .G74

Hägglund, Bengt. History of Theology. Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1968. Chapter 23, "Zwingli," pp.255-257.
BT21.2 .H313

Hagstotz, Gideon D. and Hilda B. Heroes of the Reformation. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1951. "Ulrich Zwingli: Founder of Swiss Protestantism," pp.276-281.
BR315 .H3

Heick, Otto W. A History of Christian Thought, Volume 1. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1965. Book Three, Chapter 2, "Zwingli and His Theology," pp.352-369; Chapter 3, "The Eucharistic Controversy," pp.370-386.
BT21 .N482 v.1

Hillerbrand, Hans J. Christendom Divided: The Protestant Reformation. New York: Corpus Intrumentorum; Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1971. Pp.55-115.
BR305.2 .H49 1971

Hillerbrand, Hans J. The World of the Reformation. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973. "Huldreich Zwingli," pp.53-58,92-94.
BR305.2 .H53 1973

Hillerbrand, Hans J., editor. The Reformation: A Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and Participants. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1964. "Zwingli and the Reformation in Zurich," pp.104-169.
BR305.2 .H5 1964

A History of Christianity: Readings in the History of the Church From the Reformation to the Present, Volume 2. Edited by Clyde L. Manschreck. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964. Pp.57-74.
BR141 .H53 v.2

Hobbs, Gerald. "Exegetical Projects and Problems: A New Look at an Undated Letter from Bucer to Zwingli." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.89-107.
BR345 .P76 1984

Huldrych Zwingli. Edited by G. R. Potter. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1978. 149p. A selection of primary sources.
(Not in PUC library)

Iserloh, ErwinJoseph Glazik, and Hubert Jedin. Reformation and Counter Reformation. "History of the Church," Volume 5. New York: Seabury Press, 1980. Chapter 14, "Zwingli and the Beginnings of the Reformation in German Switzerland," pp.156-177,249-253.
BR141 .H3613 1982 v.5

Jackson, Samuel M. Huldreich Zwingli: The Reformer of German Switzerland, 1484-1531. Second edition. New York: "Knickerbocker Press," G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1900. 519p.
(Not in PUC library)

Jenson, De Lamar. Reformation Europe: Age of Reform and Revolution. Second Edition. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1992. "Zwingli and the Reformation in Zurich," pp.100-107.
BR305.2 .J46 1992

Klotsche, E. H. The History of Christian Doctrine. Revised Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1979. Chapter 18, "Zwingli's Reformatory Ideas and His Place in the History of Doctrine," pp.188-193.
BT21 .K48 1979

Koenigsberger, Helmut Georg and George L. Mosse. Europe in the Sixteenth Century. London: Longmans, 1968. Pp.134-154.
D220 .K6

Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of Christianity, Volume 2. New York: Harper and Row, 1953, 1975. Pp.745-777.
BR145.2 .L35 1975 v.2

Lecler, Joseph. Toleration and the Reformation, Volume One. New York: Association Press; London: Longmans, 1960. "The Successive Phases of the Swiss Reformation in the Sixteenth Century, I. Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531) and the Reformation in German Switzerland," pp.309-318.
BR1610 .L433 v.1

Léonard, Émile G. A History of Protestantism, The Reformation. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1968. "The Humanist Reformation at Zürich," pp.134-145.
BX4805.2 .L4133 v.1

Lindberg, Carter. The European Reformations. Malden, MA and Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1996. Chapter 7, "The Swiss Connection: Zwingli and the Reformation in Zurich", pp. 169-198.
BR305.2 .L486 1996

Locher, Gottfried. "The Message and Impact of Huldrych Zwingli: The Significance for His Time." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.109-116.
BR345 .P76 1984

Lucas, Henry S. The Renaissance and the Reformation. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1934. Chapter 38, "Rise of Zwinglianism," pp.507-517.
CB359 .L8

McCrackan, W. D. The Rise of the Swiss Republic. New York: AMS Press, 1901,1970. Pp.251-286.
(Not in PUC library)

McGrath, Alister. The Intellectual Origins of the European Reformation. New York and London: Basil Blackwell, 1987. See index under "Zwingli, Huldrych."
BR307 .M44 1987

McGrath, Alister E. Reformation Thought: An Introduction. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1988. "Humanism and the Swiss Reformation," pp.42-44. The influence of Erasmus upon Zwingli.
BT26 .M37 1988

McGrath, Alister E. "Reformation to Enlightment." In The History of Christian Theology, The Science of Theology. Edited by Paul Avis. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans , 1986. Zwingli discussed, pp.122-123,134,136-137,146-147.
BT21.2 .E93 1986

Newman, Albert Henry. A Manual of Church History, Volume 2. Revised and Enlarged. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1931, 1944. "The Zwinglian Reformation", pp. 122-148.
BR162 .N6 1931 v.2

Oberman, Heiko A. The Reformation: Roots and Ramifications. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1994. Chapter 9, "Zwingli's Reformation Between Success and Failure," pp.183-199.
BR309 .O225 1994

Olson, Roger E. The Story of Christian Theology: Twenty Centuries of Tradition and Reform. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999. Chapter 25, "Zwingli and Calvin Organize Protestant Thought," pp.397-413(Zwingli, pp.397-408); "Notes," p.630.
BT21.2 O57 1999

Ozment, Steven. The Age of Reform, 1250-1550. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1980. Chapter 9, "The Swiss Reformation," pp.318-339.
BR270 .O9

Pipkin, H. Wayne. "Huldreich Zwingli (1484-1531)." In A History of Religious Educators, edited by Elmer L. Towns. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1975. Pp.124-135.
(Not in PUC library)

Pipkin, H. Wayne. "In Search of True Religion: The Spirituality of Zwingli As Seen in Key Writings of 1523/24." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.117-135.
BR345 .P76 1984

Pipkin, H. Wayne. A Zwingli Bibliography. Pittsburgh, PA: Clifford E. Barbour Library, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 1972. 157p.
(Not in PUC library)

Placher, William C. A History of Christian Theology: An Introduction. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1983. Zwingli discussed, pp.188-190,223.
BT21.2 .P57 1983

Potter, G. R. "Church and State, 1528. A Letter From Zwingli to Ambrosius Blarer (4 May 1528)." In Occasional Papers of the American Society for Reformation Research, Volume 1, December 1977. Pp.108-124.
(Not in PUC library)

Potter, G. R. "Zwingli and Calvin." In The Reformation Crisis. Edited by Joel Hurstfield. London: Edward Arnold, 1965. Chapter III, pp. 32-43.
BR309 .H77 1965

Potter, George Richard. Zwingli. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976. 432p.
BR345 .P68

Purinton, Carl E. Christianity and Its Judaic Heritage. New York: Ronald Press Co., 1961. Chapter 19, "The Swiss Reformation," pp.409-435.
BR145.2 .P8

Reardon, Bernard M. G. Religious Thought in the Reformation. Second Edition. London and New York: Longman, 1995. Chapter 5, "Huldrych Zwingli", pp.85-109.
BT27 .R36 1995

Rilliet, Jean. Zwingli: Third Man of the Reformation. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1964. 320p.
BR345 .R554

Rupp, E. G. "The Reformation in Zurich, Strassburg, and Geneva." In The New Cambridge Modern History, Volume 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1968. Pp.96-119.
D208 .N4 v.2

Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church, The Swiss Reformation. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1919.
BR145 .S3 v.7

Seeberg, Reinhold. Text-Book of the History of Doctrines, History of Doctrines in the Middle and Early Modern Church. Two volumes in one. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1966. "Doctrine of Zwingli. Opposition of Luther and Zwingli Upon the Doctrine of the Lord's Supper," pp.306-331.
BT21 .S4 1956

Smith, Preserved. The Reformation in Europe. New York: Collier Books, 1962. Chapter 3, "Switzerland", pp. 119-144. ("Zwingli", pp.119 - 129).
D228 .S64

Spitz, Lewis W. The Protestant Reformation, 1517-1559. New York: Harper and Row, 1985. Chapter 3, "The Progress of Protestantism: 1. The Swiss Setting," pp.145-150; "2. Zwingli the Reformer," pp.150-157; "3. Sacramentarian Controversy," pp.158-162; "4. Civil War in Switzerland," pp.163-166.
BR305.2 .S66 1985

Spitz, Lewis W. The Renaissance and Reformation Movements, The Reformation. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1971, 1980. Zwingli discussed, pp.381-395, 408-409.
CB359 .S653 1980

Spitz, Lewis W., editor. The Protestant Reformation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. "Zwingli and the Radicals," pp.77-109. Consists of primary sources.
BR301 .S68

Stayer, James M. "Zwingli and the 'Viri Multi et Excellentes: The Christian Renaissance's Repudiation of Neoterici and the Beginnings of Reformed Protestantism." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.137-154.
BR345 .P76 1984

Stephens, Peter. "Zwingli's Sacramental Views." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.155-169.
BR345 .P76 1984

Stephens, W. Peter. The Theology of Huldrych Zwingli. Oxford: Clarendon Press; Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. 348p.
BR345 .S74 1986

Taplin, Mark. "Switzerland." In The Reformation World. Edited by Andrew Pettegree. London and New York: Routledge, 2002. Chapter Ten, pp. 169-189.
BR305.3 .R44 2002

Thompson, Bard. Humanists and Reformers: A History of the Renaissance and Reformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1996. Chapter 19, "Zwingli," pp.439-459.
CB359 .T47 1996

Thulin, Oskar, editor. Illustrated History of the Reformation. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1967. Pp.69-104.
(Not in PUC library)

Vincent, John M. Switzerland at the Beginning of the Sixteenth Century. New York: AMS Press, 1904,1971. 61p.
(Not in PUC library)

Walton, Robert. "Let Zwingli Be Zwingli." In Prophet, Pastor, Protestant: The Work of Huldrych Zwingli After Five Hundred Years. Edited by E. J. Furcha and H. Wayne Pipkin. Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1984. Pp.171-190.
BR345 .P76 1984

Walton, Robert C. "Zwingli: Founding Father of the Reformed Churches." In Leaders of the Reformation. Edited by Richard L. DeMolen. London and Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1984. Pp.69-98.
BR309 .L4 1984

Walton, Robert C. Zwingli's Theocracy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967. 258p.
BR345 .W3

Wandel, Lee Palmer. "Zwingli, Huldrych." In The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, Volume 4. Editor in Chief, Hans J. Hillerbrand. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp.320-323.
Ref. BR302.8 .O93 1996 v.4

White, Ellen G. Great Controversy. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1950. Chapter 9, "The Swiss Reformer," pp.171-184.
WHITE COLL BX6146 .G71 1950

Yoder, John Howard. "Zwingli, Huldrych." In The Mennonite Encyclopedia, Volume 4. Scottdale, PA: Mennonite Publishing House, 1959. Pp.1052-1054.
Ref. BX8106 .M37

Ziegler, Donald J., compiler. Great Debates of the Reformation. New York: Random House, 1969. "Second Zurich Disputation, 1523," pp.35-69; "Marburg Colloquy, 1529," pp.71-107. Actual wording of debates with commentaries.
BR310 .Z5

Zwingli, Huldreich. Commentary on True and False Religion. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson and Clarence Nevin Heller. Durham, NC: Labyrinth Press, 1929, 1981. 415p. Also contains Zwingli's, "Antibolon," his reply to his critic, Jerome Emser.
BT70 .Z8713 1981

"Zwingli, Huldreich." In The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Volume 12. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1960. Pp.538-546.
Ref. BR95 .S43 1955-60 v.12

Zwingli, Ulrich. On Providence, and Other Essays. Edited for Samuel Macauley Jackson by William John Hinke. Durham, NC: Labyrinth Press, 1922, 1983. 307p.
BR346 .A25 1983

Zwingli, Ulrich. Ulrich Zwingli: Early Writings. Edited by Samuel Macauley Jackson. Durham, NC: Labyrinth Press, 1987. Reprint of 1912 edition.
BR346 .A25 1987

Zwingli, Ulrich. Zwingli and Bullinger. Selected translations with introductions and notes by G. W. Bromiley. "The Library of Christian Classics," Volume 24. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1953. 364p.
BR346 .A24



Augsburger, Daniel A. "Huldrych Zwingli and the Reformed Tradition." Andrews University Seminary Studies 23 (Autumn 1985): 227-242.

Baker, J. Wayne. "Church Discipline or Civil Punishment: On the Origins of the Reformed Schism, 1528-1531." Andrews University Seminary Studies 23 (Spring 1985): 3-18.

Baker, J. Wayne. "Church, State, and Dissent: The Crisis of the Swiss Reformation, 1531-1536." Church History 57 (June 1988): 135-152.

Bender, Harold S. "Conrad Grebel as a Zwinglian, 1522-1523." Mennonite Quarterly Review 15 (April 1941): 67-82.

"Black Death Inspires Zwingli's 'Plague Hymn'." Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 19.

Brady, Thomas A., Jr. "Jacob Sturm of Strasbourg and the Lutherans at the Diet of Augsburg, 1530." Church History 42 (June 1973): 183-202.

Büsser, Fritz. "The Shepherd: Who is the True Pastor?" Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 16-19,35. Illus.

Gäbler, Ulrich. "Huldrych Zwingli and His City of Zurich." Andrews University Seminary Studies 23 (Summer 1985): 143-160.

"A Gallery of Family Friends, Foes and Followers." Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 12-15. About Zwingli. Illus.

Gerrish, B. A. "Discerning the Body: Sign and Reality in Luther's Controversy With the Swiss." Journal of Religion 68 (July 1988): 377-395.

Hagstotz, Gideon D. "Reformation Heroes - 9: Ulrich Zwingli, Founder of Swiss Protestantism." Signs of the Times 75 (April 20,1948): 7,14-15.

Hambrick-Stowe, Charles E. "Ulrich Zwingli: Prophet of the Modern World." Christian Century 101 (April 4,1984): 335-339.

Harder, Leland. "Zwingli's Reaction to the Schleitheim Confession of Faith of the Anabaptists." Sixteenth Century Journal 11 (Winter 1980): 51-66.

Hastings, Charlotte. "Where Zwingli Witnessed." Signs of the Times 92 (January 1965): 14-15. Illus.

Hollenweger, Walter J. "Zwingli Writes the Gospel Into His World's Agenda: The Story of the Swiss Reformer's Beginnings." Mennonite Quarterly Review 43 (January 1969): 70-94. Photocopy in Her. Room DF under Zwingli, Huldrych.

Horsch, John. "The Struggle Between Zwingli and the Swiss Brethren in Zurich." Mennonite Quarterly Review 7 (July 1933): 142-161.

Locher, Gottfried W. "The Change in the Understanding of Zwingli in Recent Research." Church History 34 (March 1965): 3-24.

Lock, William. "Zwingli Was the Reformation's Most Gifted Musician." Christianity Today 28 (February 3,1984): 22.

McIvor, D. William. "The Colloquy of Marburg and Cuius Regio, Eius Religio." Studia Biblica et Theologica 5 (March 1975): 39-52.

Payne, John B. "Zwingli and Luther: The Giant vs. Hercules." Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 8-11,33-35. Illus.

Pipkin, H. Wayne. "The Anabaptists: Impatient Radicals." Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 26-28. Zwingli and the Anabaptists. Illus.

Potter, G. R. "Zürich and the Reformation in Switzerland." History Today 15 (January 1965): 12-19. Illus.

Preus, J. Samuel. "Zwingli, Calvin and the Origin of Religion." Church History 46 (June 1977): 186-202.

"Public Debates: In His 67 Theses Zwingli Highlights His Reformed Beliefs." Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 22. A sampling of the 67 theses.

"Replacing the Mass With a New Order of Worship." Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 22-23. Zwingli describes his new liturgy.

"'The Shepherd': Zwingli's Historic Reformation Sermon." Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 24.

Stayer, James M. "Zwingli Before Zürich: Humanist Reformer and Papal Partisan." Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte 72 (1981): 55-67. (Not in PUC Library).

Steinmetz, David C. "The Reformation and the Ten Commandments." Interpretation 43 (July 1989): 256-266. Deals primarily with the First Commandment.

Stephens, W. Peter. "Zwingli and Luther." Evangelical Quarterly 71 (January 1999): 51-63.

Stephens, W. Peter. "Zwingli's Reforming Ministry." Expository Times 93 (October 1981): 6-10.

Strand, Kenneth A. "Introductory Note: A Tribute to Huldrych Zwingli." Andrews University Seminary Studies 23 (Summer 1985): 131-142. Includes a brief chronology of Zwingli's career, pp.134-142.

Thompson, Bard. "Zwingli Study Since 1918." Church History 19 (June 1950): 116-128.

Verkamp, Bernard J. "The Zwinglians and Adiaphorism." Church History 42 (December 1973): 486-504.

Walther, Daniel. "Ulrich Zwingli - 2: Zwingli - For Fatherland and Christendom." Review and Herald 151 (June 13,1974): 4-6. Illus.

Walther, Daniel. "Ulrich Zwingli - 3: Survey of Zwingli's Theology." Review and Herald 151 (June 20,1974): 6-9. Illus.

Walther, Daniel. "Zwingli - The Lesser Known Reformer." Review and Herald 151 (June 6,1974): 4-7. Illus.

Walton, Robert C. "The Spread of the Zwingli Revolution." Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 29-32. Illus.

Walton, Robert C. "Was There a Turning Point of the Zwinglian Reformation?" Mennonite Quarterly Review 42 (January 1968): 45-56. Photocopy in Her. Room DF (ZWINGLI,HULDRYCH).

Wirt, Sherwood Eliot. "You Can Buck the System and Win: Zwingli Did It 500 Years Ago." Christianity Today 28 (February 3,1984): 20-23.

Yoder, John H. "The Evolution of the Zwinglian Reformation." Mennonite Quarterly Review 43 (January 1969): 95-122. Photocopy in Her.Room DF (ZWINGLI,HULDRYCH).

Yoder, John H. "The Turning Point in the Zwinglian Reformation." Mennonite Quarterly Review 32 (April 1958): 128-140.

"Zwingli's Death on the Battlefield of Kappel in 1531." Christian History 3 (No.1,1984): 25. Accounts by Heinrich Bullinger and Myconius. Illus.


Document Files

Birnbaum, Norman. "The Zwinglian Reformation in Zurich." Past and Present No.15 (1959): 27-47. Photocopy.

Bork, Paul F. "A Study of Zwingli's Views on Predestination as Compared With Those Held by Luther and Calvin." M.A. thesis. Washington, DC: Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, 1951. 50p.

Hollenweger, Walter J. "Zwingli Writes the Gospel Into His World's Agenda: The Story of the Swiss Reformer's Beginnings." Mennonite Quarterly Review 43 (January 1969): 70-94.

Walton, Robert C. "Was There a Turning Point of the Zwinglian Reformation?" Mennonite Quarterly Review 42 (January 1968): 45-56.

Yoder, John H. "The Evolution of the Zwinglian Reformation." Mennonite Quarterly Review 43 (January 1969): 95-122.


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ZWINGLI, ULRICH, 1484-1531