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Join Maranatha in a project that will change an entire country!
More than thirty years of conflict have left Mozambique war-torn and hopedepleted.
The country is crippled by illiteracy, lack of drinking water, malaria and
HIV/AIDS. Belief in the spirit-world has shackled the people with superstition and
fear. Maranatha is responding to the need in Mozambique with a large-scale, high-impact project.
1,001 Churches
These buildings will provide a permanent place for Christian worship in
communities throughout the country. They will also be used for governmentsponsored
literacy programs. In some places they will also serve as schools and
medical clinics.
Eight Schools
Mozambique is a country full of young people with no access to education. These
new schools will provide a place for thousands to get an education.
1,001 Deep Water Wells
More than half of the population in Mozambique goes through life chronically
dehydrated. Access to clean, fresh water is a dream that many never realize. By
providing a well in each community that receives a church, Maranatha will
change individual lives, the community and the entire country.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec molestie.
Sed aliquam sem ut arcu. Phasellus sollicitudin. Vestibulum condimentum facilisis
nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla nonummy. Cras quis libero.
Cras venenatis. Aliquam posuere lobortis pede. Nullam fringilla urna id leo.
Praesent aliquet pretium erat. Praesent non odio. Pellentesque a magna a
mauris vulputate lacinia. Aenean viverra. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad
litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Aliquam lacus.
Mauris magna eros, semper a, tempor et, rutrum et, tortor.