If it wasn't for IE5.x and IE6 then flyout menus could be this simple.
If you look at the CSS, which is embeded in this page, you will see how simple it could have been if it wasn't for the fact that IE5.x and IE6 do not understand li:hover and have to be persuaded to produce a fly out menu using tables and conditional comments.
This works in Firefox, Opera 9, Mozilla, Netscape 8 and IE7 (not IE5.x or IE6). But IE7 does need a HACK! Is this the first of many?
Without this hack IE7 adds a margin beneath the sub link on :hover. I have had to hack this to remove the margin but am still trying to see exactly why IE7 does this and if there is another way round it without the need for this hack.
20th September 2006
Prompted by Claire - I have been looking at this IE7 bug again. The answer is to float:left; the <li>s. For some unknown reason IE7 is putting a bottom margin on these if the float is omitted.
Because of all the time and effort spent in producing this demonstration I would ask that you respect my copyright.
1. If you are using this on a personal web site then please add a link back to CSSplay and retain any copyright comment in the stylesheet.
A donation to the 'Support CSSplay' fund would be appreciated.
2. If you are using this on a commercial web site, or as a paying job for a client, then please email me asking for permission - stu{at} and in this case a donation to the 'Support CSSplay' fund is required.
3. If you are having problems integrating any of my demonstrations into your website then I now offer a service to fault find and correct any errors that you may have introduced. Please email me for more information.
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"The Citroën UK web site uses
CSS Play code for the site drop down menus.
This code works seamlessly in IE 6 & 7, and is an excellent solution to the Creative requirements of the site."
Damon Clark - Brandwidth